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Characters / Two Worlds

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The characters from the wiki Two Worlds.

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Main Characters

    Max Anderson 
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: He doesn't believe in witches during the first season, which is really stupid. He knows that vampires, werewolves, demons, and special humans exist.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He is friendly and kind, but this can fool you as he sometimes can be real badass.
  • Distressed Dude: Being a target of villains who want to kill or kidnap him gives him this role.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Max sometimes gets sarcastic lines.
  • Doom Magnet: Almost every villain in show tries to kill or kidnap Max. And sometimes they nearly kill or injury peoples who are important to him.
  • Easily Forgiven: He forgives Robin for attempting to kill him and Tyler for erasing his memories.
  • Missing Mom: It's unknown what happened to his mother.
  • Psychic Powers: He can see the future.
  • Second Love: For Carla. Tyler was Carla's first love.
  • Secret-Keeper: Earlier in the show he was a secret keeper for Carla and her family and Chris. But later when almost everyone knows their secrets, this trope is subverted.

    Carla Myers 
  • Action Hero: She is the heroine of the show and show some great fighting skills.
  • Cassandra Truth: She didn't trust Robin when she returned from the mental hospital and started saying that he'd changed. And she was right.
  • Healing Factor: Since she is vampire her body her body heals faster than a normal humans.
  • Immortality: Like others vampires she is immortal.
  • Just Friends: How she started off with Max. but they became more later.
  • Mind Manipulation: Carla is able to control the mind of any human, influencing their thoughts and their actions in the process.
  • Official Couple: With Max, starting in the second season.
  • Superpower Lottery: She possesses standard vampire powers and abilities.
  • Super-Senses: Carla can smell blood.
  • Super-Speed: Carla can move and run much faster than that of a normal human.
  • The Undead: As a vampire, she is not dead or alive.

    Nick Peterson 
  • Non-Action Guy: Until he become vampire.
  • Second Love: For Sarah. Perry is Sarah's first love.
  • Secret Chaser: In Season 1 he is interested in Max and Carla secret, but in the season finale he finally discovers the truth about vampires and werewolves and becomes a Secret-Keeper.
  • Those Two Guys: During first season he with Sarah only featured in one or two scenes during episode and rarely was featuring in episode main plot. During second season he start feature more in main plot and least was seen with Sarah.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sarah; they are both a couple, but they still sometimes make fun and have arguments with each other.
  • Was Once a Man: Used to be a human before he became a vampire.

    Josh Anderson 
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: He is very surprised to find out that witches are real. He lives in a town where vampires, werewolves, demons and special humans exist, but he never thought that witches were real too.
  • Badass Adorable: He's so cute when in wolf form.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He is realy friendly toward everyone, but don't get him angry.
  • Deuteragonist: Shares this role with Carla.
  • Good Parents: He love Max and his stepdaughter Brooke and will try do everything to make them happy.
  • The Lancer: He and Carla share this role to Max's team.
  • Nice Guy: He's possibly the friendliest and calmest character in the show.
  • Open-Minded Parent: Josh allows Max to get in the action.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Max' red and the red to Anna's and Dunca's blue.
  • Shapeshifting: Josh is able to shapeshift from his human form, to wolf form.
  • Super-Senses: In human and wolf wolf, his smelling and hearing abilities are stronger
  • Super-Speed: Josh is really fast in human or wolf form.
  • Super-Strength: Josh is stronger than normal humans.
  • Supporting Protagonist: Interesting that he sometimes has more screen time that Max or the others, but he's still not the protagonist.

    Sheriff Marcus Gray 

    Anna Myers  
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She killed her grandmother and attacked friends, when she was first turned into a vampire.
  • Dumb Blonde: She is an 80-year-old vampire, but she is really bad with math.
  • Mind Manipulation: Anna is able to control the mind of any human, influencing their thoughts and their actions in the process.
  • Nice Girl: She is friendly and fun-loving girl.
  • Superpower Lottery: Because of Anna being a vampire, she possesses the standard vampire powers and abilities.
  • Super-Senses: Anna, like most vampires, can smell blood.
  • Super-Speed: Anna can move and run much faster than a normal human.
  • Those Two Guys: With Josh. She and Josh almost always feature in they own episodes sub-plot who don't have anything do with main storyline.

    John Myers  
  • Mind Manipulation: John is able to control the mind of any human, influencing their thoughts and their actions in the process.
  • Really 700 Years Old: John may physically look like a normal human, but in reality, John is really 400 or 500 plus years old.
  • Superpower Lottery: Because of John being a vampire, he possesses standard vampire powers and abilities.
  • Super-Senses: John, like most of the vampires, can smell blood.
  • Super-Speed: John can move and run much faster than a normal human.
  • Super-Strength: John is stronger than normal humans.
  • The Undead: He is a vampire so he is technically undead.

    Brenda Schubert 

    Tyler Rom 

    Chris Workes  
  • Healing Factor: Chris can heal faster than normal humans.
  • Shapeshifting: Chris is able to shapeshift from his human form to wolf form.
  • Super-Senses: In human and wolf wolf, his smelling and hearing abilities are stronger.
  • Super-Speed: Chris is really fast in human or wolf form.
  • Super-Strength: Chris is stronger than normal humans.

    Cynthia Schubert 
  • Aloof Ally: She only helps the team when they need her advice.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: She was surprised that werewolves are real after discovering it. Despite knowing her husband protected supernatural creatures, she never guessed werewolves might be one of those creatures.

    Julia Avery 
  • Weirdness Censor: She can be in the middle of supernatural action and not notice it.


    Ethan Gilbert  


Stenville High School



    Olivia Norris 

Stenville Residents


    Sheriff Ferb 


    Pierre Deily 


    Duncan James  
Ascende Extra: In the first season, he was a pretty minor character. During the second season he becomes a pretty important character and he also gets a few episodes focusing on him.Dark Is Not Evil: When he is in wolf form, his fur is black and he has a friendly personality.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Duncan. He may physically look like a normal human, but in reality, Duncan is really 1000 plus years old.
  • Shapeshifting: Duncan is able to shapeshift from his human form to wolf form.
  • Super-Senses: In human and wolf wolf, his smelling and hearing abilities are stronger.
  • Super-Speed: Duncan is really fast in human or wolf form.
  • Super-Strength: Duncan is stronger than normal humans.
  • Was Once a Man: In the past, he was a normal wolf, who was killed, but with the help of magic he was brought back as a human who can return to his wolf form.

    Tim Workes  
  • Shapeshifting: Tim is able to shapeshift from his human form to wolf form.
  • Super-Senses: In human and wolf wolf, his smelling and hearing abilities are stronger
  • Super-Speed: Tim is really fast in human or wolf form.
  • Super-Strength: Tim is stronger than normal humans.

  • Shapeshifting: Paul is able to shapeshift from his human form to wolf form.
  • Super-Senses: In human and wolf form, his smelling and hearing abilities are stronger
  • Super-Speed: Paul is really fast in human or wolf form.
  • Super-Strength: Paul is stronger than normal humans.

    Nadia Johnson 
