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League of Villains

    All For One 

Quirk: All For One

The true leader of the League Of Villains and All Might's arch nemesis. Once thought to have been dead, he survived thanks to a regenerating Quirk, he now continues his goal of destroying hero society and conquering the world.

  • Arch-Enemy:
    • He serves as this to All Might, being the villain responsible for giving him the injury that sapped him of half his strength.
    • He also serves as this to the previous bearers of One For All.
  • Dark Messiah: During the chaotic period of Japan when Quirks came into being, he appeared as a savior who removed Quirks from people who don't want them and gave power to those he needed. However, All For One only did this so that he can gain their absolute loyalty to fulfil his own goals.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Due to his injuries by All Might, All For One mainly lets Tomura and his minions do most of the dirty work while he stays in the shadows.
  • Power Parasite: His Quirk, All For One, allows him to steal other people's Quirks by touching them. Allowing him to use them for himself or pass them down to others.
  • Really 700 Years Old: All For One has been alive since the dawn of Quirks and the days of Joe Colton. Through the use of several longevity Quirks, he has been able to stay active despite the massive damage inflicted onto him by All Might.

    Tomura Shigaraki 

Quirk: Decay

A jaded, irritable young man who is the leader of the League of Villains and whose main goal is to kill All Might. His Quirk, Decay, allows him to destroy anything he touches provided all five of his fingers are in contact with the object. His real name and identity are unknown.

  • Ax-Crazy: He takes pleasure in killing and attempts to kill the U.A. students just to break All Might's spirit.
  • Body Motifs: Hands. He needs all fingers of either hand for his Quirk to work. His costume also consists of hands covering his body.
  • The Bus Came Back: After a long absence, Shigaraki finally reappears at the end of Chapter 47 of Earthrise.
  • Groin Attack: Ends up on the receiving end of this from Bumblebee's holoform.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: It doesn't take much for him to get angry, especially when his plans get ruined.
  • Logical Weakness: His Decay Quirk doesn't work on holoforms due to not being their real bodies and made of actual light.
  • Touch of Death: His Quirk allows him to disintegrate anything or anyone he touches so long as he has all five of his fingers make contact.


Quirk Warp Gate

A mysterious, shady figure who is Shigaraki's guardian who aids him in his attack at the USJ. His Quirk, Warp Gate, allows him to create portals from his shadow body to transport people.

  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: As Shigaraki's guardian, he helps Tomura to stay on track whenever he devolves into his angry rants.
  • The Bus Came Back: After a long absence, Kurogiri finally reappears at the end of Chapter 47 of Earthrise.
  • Logical Weakness: His Warp Gate doesn't work on holoforms due to not being the actual body of the transformer.
  • Thinking Up Portals: His Warp Gate Quirk lets him transport people to other locations of his choosing like how he teleported Class 1A to different parts of the USJ.

    USJ Nomu 

Quirk: Shock Absorption, Super Regeneration

A creature that Shigaraki brings along with him in order to kill All Might.

  • Body Horror: It's brain is literally exposed for all to see.
  • The Brute: It served as this during the attack at the USJ.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: Nomu was able to hold its own against All Might for a while. It's only when All Might decided to kick the fight into overdrive that it lost.
  • Death by Adaptation: Killed by Windblade by cutting off his brain from his body.
  • Dumb Muscle: While Nomu may be The Brute, it can't think for itself and only follows Shigaraki's verbal commands.
  • Healing Factor: Nomu's capable of healing from grievous wounds, including lost limbs.
  • Hulk Speak: Nomu doesn't speak at all and instead blindly follows Shigaraki's commands by giving out high-pitched shrieks.
  • Super-Strength: Nomu was able to break Aizawa 's arms very casually with its bare hands and was even able to contend with All Might for a while.
  • Super-Toughness: On top of its Healing Factor, Nomu's strong enough to survive hits from All Might thanks to its Shock Absorption Quirk.

    Hosu Nomus 

Quirks: Absorption and Release, Muscle Growth, Tongue Web (White-skinned Nomu), Super Regeneration (Black-skinned Nomu), Pterodactyl Wings (Winged Nomu)

A trio of Nomu that Shigaraki sent to attack Hosu to show up Stain. They're comprised of a Lower Tier Nomu with white skin and four eyes, an Upper Tier Nomu with black skin and no facial features save a lower jaw, and a Middle Tier Nomu with a mask integrated into its face and a large set of wings.
