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Characters / TFS At The Table Natural Oneders NPC Crew Post Fall

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The crew that Wake, Morgan, and Chromagil set off to face the Onrush with in Chapter 5.

     Obscuro Crew 


A Ceratopsian-Saurian Librarian. She came from the Isle of Dragon fleeing the Onrush, but in the process lost her family and barely escaped the demons who attacked her vessel. The crew chooses her to go and face Lord Riisp.

Veltara and Meecha end up as business and research partners in South Xellous

  • Afraid of Blood: Gains a phobia of blood after being hit twice with a fear-inducing blood-spray attack.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her scale color is purple.
  • Badass Bookworm: Her class, the homebrew'd Librarian, can do a lot of damage through merely using books she's cultivated over the years. Justified in that a lot of those books just so happen to be magical. Of course, if that fails...she's still a triceratops. So she can just bowl over things if she's pissed enough.
  • Big Eater: Mechanically, she has to take up more rations than a normal person would due to her size, though she can rough it with ferns she finds while out and about.
  • The Big Guy: Weaponized with a feat that gives out frightful presence wherever she goes, and ends up using her physical brawn far more than her spells.
  • Breath Weapon: Shock and Awe flavor. She learned Lightning Dragon Breath from her time caring for Woe.
  • Constantly Curious: In a purely academic way. She spends plenty of time gathering samples and writing down notes of everything the group encounters.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Made a lot worse by her towering height.
  • Gentle Giant: She's eight feet tall, and friendly as could be.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Woe would have been condemned to blindness or worse had Valtara not made her breakthroughs in curing her condition. When they reunite, Woenote  hugged her and thanked her sincerely for giving her a life she wouldn't have had otherwise.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: After the impressively silly Ribbiting Tribulations, Valtara decides to cut her losses and just wait outside while the group talks to Lord Bulbous.
  • Sole Survivor: Of her family. Her husband and son were killed on the boat they were on by the Onrush. It's why she wants to help stop the Onrush more than anything.
  • Team Mom: In-Character she's definitely one to Woe, of all beings, and out of character, the group jokes that due to her naturally cautious and studious nature, she's constantly having to rein in the far more reckless crew, their nickname for her being "Dino-Mom". It helps that she actually was a mother.

Meecha Azmint

A Snow Leopard-Tabaxi Plague Doctor. The crew first met her in Rite, but was then properly introduced to the entire group in Vesa Bay, where she's been attempting to cure a nasty virus that's taken half the town. Initially she was passed up in favor of Valtara in getting to Vesa Bay, but eventually joined the crew as their designated noblewoman and presumably their medic due to having the details of their mission told to her by a patient who had survived the fall of Eburkal.

While she was seriously affected by the fact that she was an Artificial Human created by the Yth, she decided to move on with her life and climb her way back into the South Xellous medical ranks, with Veltara as her business and research partner.

  • Berserk Button: Due to her noble nature she tries to keep it together, but she clearly cannot stand leaving open wounds and scars untreated, and demands that Onslow allow her to fix him up.
  • Blue Blood: From South Xellous, and a lady of high caliber.
  • Brown Note: Was given special instructions in the form of a specific sequence of numbers, but when she said them out killed the man who told them to her. As a result, she refuses to ever repeat them.
  • But Thou Must!: Unlike other party members, Zito ensured that the group would be leaving Vesa Bay with Meecha due to the fact that she's their ticket out of there, and also because she straight up followed them to Vesa Bay.
  • Cassandra Truth: Was essentially told the plot of the story so far and probably that the fall of Eburkal was coming, but everyone in Xellous thought she was a quack and revoked her license as a result.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Has prophetic dreams that pertain to her patients that initially came from a disheveled man who ended up barely surviving the fall of Eburkal, and gave her the details of the mission Wake and company were on.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Zito states that when her body is controlled by the Yth, all her needs are met and she doesn't require food or sleep and she'll mostly react as if she'd been in a dream...However, the second Meecha is released after they go through the Emerald Canal, she gasps in horror as if she just got her body back from a hijacking, and acts starved to the point of eating 4-day old food.
  • Hearing Voices: She hears essentially her own mental voice giving her insight on her patients and in her studies. and previously, a mystery man who told her to seek out Wake.
  • The Empath: Her skill in medicine and psychiatry comes from being able to read people's emotions and pain almost instinctively.
  • Ms. Exposition: When her connection to the Yth is revealed, she ends up providing vital information from the Yth, who have been desperately seeking the party.
  • Plague Doctor: Complete with bird mask.
  • Rich Bitch: Shows these tendencies as she continues her journey with the Obscuro Crew.
  • Self-Made Woman: She became a noble due to her incredible skill in surgery and psychiatry.
  • The Shrink: Type 3, but with a Type 2 mentality. She is good at what she does and is very well-meaning, but she's one of the only doctors in the world right now who'd ever care about it and sometimes treats evaluating mental health more like material for a book rather than a way to help the ill.
  • Support Party Member: Mechanically, she's a healer who doesn't use spell slots or items to do her work, and due to her background in psychiatry, she's best in social situations where her insight can be put to good use. Good thing too, since other than Morgan, most of the crew's Charisma is pitiful.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Turns out that the prophetic voices she's been hearing are in fact that of the Yth.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Though she loathes the very idea of it.


A massive Drukhari samurai who works as a smith in the town of Gulliver. He joins the crew as a guide through the underdark.

Devilgrin never again needed to use his disguise much after the victory over the Onrush. He now serves the same way he did back in the underdark; as a guide.

  • Everything's Better with Samurai: Trained by specialized fighters in the underdark
  • Family of Choice: According to him, he was enslaved and then rescued, and chose his rescuers as family.
  • Glasgow Smile: His already reptilian features have been "complimented" with a mouth whose "cheeks" have been slashed open.
  • Gonk: Is described as very ugly due to his gnarled features and cut open mouth.
     Final Battle Obscuro Crew 
The final selection of NPCs picked by the crew based on places the crew has been, such as Jahal Cove, Rite, Coalus, and Bluey Camp.

Sloban the Barghest

A Barghest that had been part of the pack that was hounding Skrung and the Bluey Kobolds. He's also exceptionally dim, and so craven he'd fight his own kind just for a pact with something.

Sloban was revealed not to be a Barghest, but instead a very feral Tiefling, and was passed to Wake and Nedra's care for quite a time before disappearing, saying something about the god of madness...

  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: His moral compass is so skewed Chromagil has to seriously re-evaluate how he interacts with him in order for him to even conceive of what he's talking about.
  • Hunter of Their Own Kind: Is going to be tasked with this. Granted he hates his old pack, so he's cool with it.
  • Obviously Evil: Only Morgan and Chromagil actually want him around. The entire rest of the party including Redd and Zia'ka are just waiting for him to snap so they can kill it and have done with it.
  • Optional Party Member: Was the secret character for Bluey Camp.
  • Not So Harmless: While he himself doesn't seem to be super dangerous, Barghests are extremely dangerous for those caught unawares. Just ask the city of Rite, who had most of it's original guard replaced by them, and had to sacrifice most of the Adventurer's Guild's membership in order to even keep the town alive.
  • Meat Shield: Morgan made the pact with it essentially to be a first line of defense.
  • Stupid Evil: Sloban is unintelligent even by the low, low standards of demons and also by the standard of obviously dangerous and unhinged characters that inhabit this realm. He's so dumb he was willing to work for the crew for one of Morgan's Chromatic Bullets, something he has in abundance and can make more of.


Having spent much of her time running her own food stand with Yt as her familiar, the hard times Rite fell under as the Onrush hit meant both her clientele vanished, as did her secret ingredients. She has picked up the class of Salt Witch.
  • An Adventurer Is You: The Salt Witch's spell list puts her firmly in the Debuffer category; as most of it is set up to mess with opponent's dice rolls or make it harder for them to move.
  • Beautiful All Along: Implied. In a moment of vulnerability with Wake, she briefly appears as a beautiful Triton woman before returning to being Grammy.
  • Cerebus Retcon: Grammy's cooking has long been considered a mere fact that the ingredients were terrible, but she somehow made it taste good enough to create stat buffs regardless. She's actually casting a hex on her food. Her inability to taste her own cooking means she's had to effectively cheat in order to make her meals. And her erratic, threatening behavior hides a deeply bitter, lonely woman with abandonment issues who outlived the person they gave up their ability to cook for.
  • He's Back!: All the crew needed to do realistically was let her know that they were headed to face the Onrush, but her version of this is her closing her stand, putting on a sun-hat, and then doing a trademark disappearing act.
  • Ironic Hell: Revealed to have been living in one for awhile. She gave up her ability to taste her own cooking in order to save a loved one who ended up abandoning her anyway. As a result, the woman who used to love cooking has to rely on magic in order to get people to eat anything she makes.
  • Optional Party Member: Was the secret character for Rite.
  • Jumped at the Call: In true Grammy fashion, she took the first chance she got to go fight the Barghests for depriving her of secret ingredients.

Roy the Mock

A previously thought to be mimic, Roy was nearly driven insane from lack of use and hunger, and revealed himself to be the true form of Mimics: A sentient being known as a Mock. He joins the crew in promise of consuming the bodies of the demons after they die. He takes on the class of Shaper.Roy stayed in Rite as a particularly powerful partner for any wandering adventuring groups, usually helping for the nominal fee of eating the nicest bit of gear they end up finding.
  • Big Eater: As a mimic, he can eat all kinds of matter. And as a Mock, his appetite is absolutely ravenous.
  • Creepy Good: Roy is motivated by hunger, and looks like an eldritch horror. Thankfully, the crew has him pointed in the direction of the demons.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: His class' central gimmick. Roy can create weapons from the fundamental matter that made up anything he eats, and he ate a lot over the course of his time with the Wonders.


See top folder.


Wake's former student and now one of Sheldon's finest pupils in the control of the elements, namely that of fire. Nedra lost her barbarian and monk classes, and in return ended up as an Elementalist. Wake intentionally busted her out of the Monastery to bring her to face the Onrush specifically.

Nedra came to be the master of the new Venin Island Monastery for a good long time, but always was haunted by the voices within, but realizing they did not come from the Glabrezu within her, so she set off to her true birthplace to seek answers; Barnacle Bay.

  • Close-Range Combatant: Old habits die hard for Nedra, as she prefers getting up close and personal with the Barghests and incinerating them from point-blank range in spite of her more magic-based powers.
  • The Dreaded: By the time the post-Fall party returns to Rite, around the same time they learned of her true nature as a glabrezu, the city itself learned of it following a blargest Trojan infiltration that they barely fought off, thus, keeping the monastery under constant surveillance. Sheldon himself watches her from within the monastery, the other students put off, but are barely forbidden from treating her like an outright pariah.
  • Playing with Fire: Her class focus is in fire, which takes advantage of her absurd strength score. She's seen manipulating it like she was a firebender.
  • Rapid Fire Punches: Literally. Her dealing with the barghests in the final battle was her largely punching them into oblivion with her fists wreathed in fire.


The Kobold Cleric from the pre-fall days, only now he's tapped into powers beyond that of mere gods, but the fundamental powers of reality itself. This unfortunately got him in a lot of hot water not only for delving into heretical knowledge, but also because he controls enormously dangerous powers, and has become a Planar. He joins the crew after they help save him from one of his more wild experiments, and convince him that he can revive his standing within the community.

Risf and Plisken's friendship never recovered, so he spent his days on Rite helping adventurers plan extraplanar trips to seek new worlds.

  • Didn't Think This Through: Risf tapped into deeply powerful and enormously useful magics, especially considering what that could do to demons...Unfortunately, in his mad search for knowledge, he didn't exactly learn how to keep the place he lives shielded from the effects, and as such he gets briefly trapped in another dimension again within his own tower.
  • Discard and Draw: Ever since becoming a planar that draws his powers from the astral plane rather than the gods he's rejected, he's traded his White Magic for extra-dimensional magic that allows him far more variety of powers that border on Reality Warping.
  • Reality Warping: A light variation as it's still mechanically tied to his spell slots, but he can shape the fabric of reality both around him and around his enemies.
  • We Used to Be Friends: His almost mad dedication to studying his new planar nature, combined with rejecting all of the gods, and his powers seeming infernal to most, he unwittingly neglected his friendship with Pliskin, which the latter is extremely bitter about.
