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Characters for My Cheat Skill Resurrection Revived Me. Up to date with the currently translated manga.

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Dungeon of Dystopia Residents

     Common to All
The manpower shortage is worse than I could have imagined.
  • Designated Villain: In universe. To date, all they really want is to live their lives quietly in the dungeon and be left alone. Aria and her generals are only "villains" because the human kingdom says they are. Licht was executed for the "crime" of having the [Resurrection] skill. While Dorothy's backstory has yet to be elaborated on, she is clearly grateful to be resurrected from "the hero's grave" and happily works for the demon lord without complaint. Allan implies that she was also summarily executed, but was given a hero's funeral as back-handed compensation for the unjust nature of her death.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Aside from Licht and Dorothy, they were killed and forgotten roughly 100 years prior to the start of the story.
  • Oddly Small Organization: With the addition of Licht and Dorothy, there are a total of seven people in demon lord Aria's faction, including Aria herself. The dungeon "dystopia" is enormous, leading to the faction facing defeat by exhaustion prior to Licht's arrival.
  • Rag Tag Bunch Of Misfits: Demon Lord Aria is a Marionette Master specializing in producing "servants" but this takes too much time and effort for her to do again after her resurrection. Rose is a daywalking vampire with an army of bats. Tisse and Iriss are a pair of high-elf sisters that are literally inseperable and summon "sprites" to paralyze their enemies, monster, human, or whatever, and Faris is a stoic little girl who rebounds any damage to her attacker, and when met with hostility, responds by slicing her throat to take her enemy down with her. Licht is a human "average" fighter who can resurrect anyone, even without the body. For the latest member, Dorothy is a necromancer who just enslaves disembodied spirits and has them do her bidding, though letting her spy through their eyes and fighting is all they can do.

So, here I am abusing my skill, exactly as they feared. Well, that is not any of my concern!
The Protagonist. After serving the kingdom faithfully with Allen, José, and Shizuku for an extended period of time, solving one dangerous situation after another, and carrying the party with repeated use of his skill, he's led into an ambush, disguised as yet another task from the Adventurer's guild. When he turns to his team-mates for help, asking them to vouch for his character if nothing else, they all abandon him, with Allen openly taking payment from the group that would carry out the execution and happily mocking his plight. Stabbed through the heart and shoved off a cliff, he comes to at the bottom, with his resurrection skill having automatically activated. Desperate and vengeful, he seeks out a rumored dormant dungeon, and once inside, seeing it vacant, takes a gamble and resurrects all the inhabitants he can, only then learning that he brought back to the world Demon Lord Aria and her servants, who turn around and thank him then proceed to welcome him to their ranks with open arms, treating him as an equal, with genuine kindness.
  • Best Served Cold: He has a grudge for his unjust execution, and wants payback, but he's perfectly content to hide, gather allies, and wait until he's good and ready to carry it out.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Not only did he resurrect the denizens of Dystopia dungeon without any corpses to work with, they were dead 100 years or so, and they appeared before him fully dressed. Even Licht didn't think that was possible.
  • Bring It: When José angrily yells at him that the king will spare no expense to completely destroy him for siding with the demon lord, Licht responds fearlessly with the term, "Bring it on!" Because the king is already sparing no expense to execute him anyway, so why is José's threat a deterrent?
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Downplayed. He can handle a sword just fine, but his strongest contribution is his Resurrection skill. Aside from that, he can get pushed around by anyone who actually knows what they're doing on the battlefield.
  • Driven to Villainy: Of the designated villain variety. Because he was unjustly marked for execution, he went and shook hands with Demon Lord Aria, resurrecting her back to life after being dead for 100 years or so.
  • The Farmer and the Viper: He repeatedly resurrects his team-mates, in very perilous situations. The moment they think they don't need him any more, they conspire to sell him to his death for money, with the leader Allen mocking his plight for good measure.
  • It's Personal: He took being sold to executioners very personally and has a huge grudge, not just against his former party who did it, and the executioners who executed him, but against the king and everyone in the chain of command who made and carried out the execution order. But he's content to wait until he's good and ready to carry out his vengeance and live to tell about it.
  • Logical Weakness: He can only resurrect beings with a soul. Furthermore, those he resurrects still have their own will. Aside from that, his skill seemingly has no limits. Even without a corpse, he brought back Aria and her demon generals to life, at perfect health, and fully dressed. Even he doesn't understand how that works.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: He was a loyal, hard-working, tax-paying citizen of the kingdom, and repeatedly put himself in harm's way for the citizens. How does the king reward him? With an execution order on the off chance that his [Resurrection] skill might, just might, be abused. Well, you wanted demons, your majesty, you got demons!
  • Mystical White Hair: His platinum blonde hair highlights his special nature.
  • Necessary Drawback: His skill can "cure" any wound or status ailment, but the target has to die first.
  • Nice Guy: He is a genuine sweetheart to others unless they give him reason not to be.
  • Not the Intended Use: When visiting the dragonkin village, he finds that the local matriarch is suffering from a disease with no cure. Licht gets around the issue by letting Rosé kill the woman with the Kiss of the Vampire and then resurrect her with his skill, in perfect health.
  • The One Guy: To date, he's the only male among Aria's followers.
  • Properly Paranoid: Prior to joining the party with Allen, Shizuku, and José, he went to great pains to avoid revealing his skill, for fear of being abused, exploited, and having something bad happen to him. After said party gains his trust and benefits from his skill for a long time, they sell him out for money, laughing as they are seeing him off to the execution grounds.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: When he and Aria are serving as Berne's bodyguards in chapter 24 of the manga, Aria tries to drag him into the bath with both of them. He declines because he doesn't want to be seen as a pervert. As the two women are bathing, an assassin snipes him with a poisoned blow-dart holding poison that's instantly fatal. He, of course, resurrects instantly. If he had been in the bath with them, the assassin would have succeeded and been long gone by the time anyone realized it.
  • Stopped Caring: He used to be very, very concerned about his skill being used against humanity, by hook or by crook. Then he was unjustly executed. Well, it's no longer his concern if he resurrects demons...
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: Thanks to an unjust execution order and a fumbled execution attempt, he was left with no other option than to take a gamble on a dormant dungeon nobody was certain even existed, and once inside, resurrecting the long dead inhabitants. Fortunately for him, the targets of his attempt are grateful, and welcome him into the fold, fully respecting his privacy and treating him with respect.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: Since his resurrection skill revives people in perfect health as a fringe benefit, he's taken to the mindset that it's the best policy to kill his teammates and then revive them when they suffer any ailment. Case in point, he sees Dorothy with a bruised neck after being strangled by vampire hunters going after Rosé and her family, and offers to kill and revive Dorothy to treat it. Dorothy declines.
  • Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing: In chapter 22, he's up against a vampire hunter who has him completely outclassed to the point that even fleeing is utterly pointless. Unfortunately for her, every time she attacked him, he'd revive and stand back up again. She just kept hitting him with bigger and flashier attacks only to watch him just pop back to life, over and over again until her morale broke and she fled in a panic, right into the fangs of Rosé's father who appreciated the quick snack.

     Demon Lord Aria
Feel free to worship me, Demon Lord Aria!
The demon lord and ruler of the dungeon Dystopia.
  • Badass Finger Snap: She snaps her fingers to trigger the spell that causes Licht to explode.
  • Benevolent Boss: She rules her territory, such as it is, with a literal velvet glove. She listens to the opinions of her subordinates and takes their input into consideration in all her decisions. Her door is always open to hear any thoughts or concerns.
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Kindness. She wins the hearts and minds of her followers by treating them fairly with respect, compassion, and seeking out their input at all times. Sure, they might have died from overwork the last time around, but it wasn't her fault; she did the best with the crappy hand she was dealt.
  • Intimidation Demonstration: She drags Licht to Ratha to meet Queen Berne, stating the latter is a demon. After the latter demanded proof that the former is Demon King Aria, Aria saw no other option than to demonstrate her strength by blowing Licht up, knowing he'd revive. Licht is shocked and outraged, Berne is both terrified and more than willing to believe what Aria's saying at that point.
  • Necessary Drawback: As we learn in chapter 23, her space magic area of effect has no influence on projectiles or other things that come into her area of effect after it's been used. This means her powers are fantastic for enclosed spaces like caves, dungeons, or sealed rooms, but someone shooting a dart through an open window at her from a blind spot, even after her field's in effect, can still take her down.
  • Noble Demon: She may be a "demon lord," but she rules fairly and is the victim of repeated armed invasions, not the aggressor.
  • Noodle Incident: She wasn't always the hated "Demon Lord of Dystopia." Some incident caused the world to come after her and hers. Whatever it is, she refuses to talk about it, and the other denizens joined up afterwards, even the eldest of them.
  • Space Master: If she has to fight, personally, she can, and will, distort the movement speed of her enemies in the local area around her so that her enemies move as slowly as if they were drowning in molasses while she moves at regular speed, if not faster. The first enemy demon lord that attacked her, looking for a fight to end his boredom, learned that the hard way.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gets this in stereo when she causes Licht to explode to "prove" she's Demon Queen Aria to Queen Berne. Queen Berne rightly chews her out for killing her ally and subordinate and Licht calls her out for attacking him without cause, provocation, or warning.

You are our savior! You have my full cooperation.
The first of the generals Licht meets, and the one with whom he has the best synergy.
  • Achilles' Heel: If she's not killed by an enemy's weapon, she's as weak and helpless as a child. Gyut unwittingly takes advantage of this when she attacks him and finds herself disarmed and tied up.
  • Attack Reflector: Any and all fatal injuries done to her will immediately be inflicted on whoever bears hostility against her. If she's not attacked, she can harm herself to deliver an identical injury on her target.
  • Necessary Drawback: In order for her ability to work, she has to be injured, either by enemy attack or her own hand.
  • Self-Harm: When she and Licht were set upon by the grave-keepers guarding Dorothy's corpse, the first one sliced her in half with a halberd, killing himself, but the second froze, so she took his dagger and slit her own throat, killing him.
  • Token Mini-Moe: Aside from Iris, she's the youngest looking of Aria's generals.

Oh my! Sorry we have nothing ready to greet guests!
The elder of the high-elf sisters.
  • Lady of War: Beautiful. Elegant. Deadly.
  • One-Note Cook: While nobody has complaints about her cooking, her repertoire is very, very limited. Hence Aria's declaration to seek out non-human allies.
  • The Paralyzer: Like her younger sister, she summons "sprites" that immobilize her intended target(s).
  • Sibling Team: She and her sister Iris always work together, in all things aside from cooking. Iris is ... unique.

The younger of the high-elf sisters.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: Aside from literally clinging to her older sister, she preens around, trying to act all grown up.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She can not and will not be separated from her sister, and woe to they who try to come between them.
  • Hime Cut: How she styles her hair.
  • Lethal Chef: Fair warning. Do not let her into the kitchen. Don't call her out on it either.
  • The Paralyzer: Like her older sister, she summons "sprites" that paralyze her intended target(s).
  • Sibling Team: She's at her strongest when working together with her older sister. In fact, it's shown on-screen that against a competent enemy, she needs her synergy with her sister to be effective.

B-but I'm a vampire. There's no need to worry about me!
The last member Licht met and the one who guards the entrance.
  • The Beast Master: She can charm just about any species of bat or wolf and has them do just about any task she requires, from transport to combat.
  • The Berserker: Though she doesn't like to use it, when she's in real trouble, she can shapeshift into a powerful wolf that is even faster and stronger, but loses her ability to reason in exchange.
  • Daywalking Vampire: She can operate in daylight just fine if she has to.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Sort of. She's a total sweetheart to allies, but she's absolutely merciless when it comes to enemies.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: She has the biggest work-load, managing seven dungeon areas, but she thinks she's the least burdened when interviewed by Licht.
  • Insult to Rocks: When she's got Allen on the ropes, she muses, aloud, that his physique isn't going to be much of a meal, until she ponders if having Licht resurrect him will keep giving her more blood to feast on. Bwahahaha!
  • I Owe You My Life: And that of her parents, maids, and servants. Over 100 years ago, her entire House was under threat from an army of vampire hunters, since the human kingdoms were supremacists and waged war on both the demons and vampires alike. Aria, despite being a demon at a time when demons and vampires were bitter rivals, came to the rescue, annihilating the enemy army, asking only for Rosé's loyalty and servitude in the dungeon Dystopia in return. This is the biggest reason why the vampire girl is so, so happy to work herself to the bone for the dungeon and its residents.
  • Lady of War: Even more than Tisse. She's always beautiful, elegant, and refined, but she took down Allen without even trying, and he's clearly no pushover.
  • Ship Tease: Her chemistry with Licht is very, very good and when her parents not only give her their blessings, but proclaim that they believe Licht likes her, she blushes and is literally tickled pink.
  • Workaholic: She gets antsy if she's asked to rest or doesn't have some chore to do, so when Licht is sent to the Dragonkin territory to try and get an alliance, she volunteered to be his escort. To make things worse, when she's offered aid, she emphatically refuses, regardless of her workload.

At least I won't make you suffer like those other two. Please don't hate me for this!
A famous necromancer Licht resurrects from "The Hero's Graveyard." Her enslaved spirits ability is used to fill in for the vast majority of the manpower deficit in Dystopia Dungeon.
  • Animal Eye Spy: She can see through the eyes of the spirits she summons and controls.
  • Captain Obvious: She points out that if Licht knew he was planning to resurrect her, he should have dug up her corpse first.
  • Chekhov's Skill: While visiting the estate of Rosé's parents, she's treated to a book on necromancy and learns a spell to temporarily make a nearby corpse a puppet. When the castle is attacked by a group of vampire hunters out to make a name for themselves, one of the hunters attacks her, just for being there, after killing the maid attending to her. She uses the maid's corpse to backstab the guy that was strangling her.
  • I Owe You My Life: She agrees to help Licht, not because she has a grudge, but because she's grateful to be alive again.
  • The Minion Master: She can control a large number of spirits and have them do her bidding, but said spirits are only good in battle, useless for mundane tasks.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Like Licht, she was "rewarded" for her efforts in helping the human kingdom by execution, and her corpse was shoved into "the hero's graveyard" as a back-handed apology. When she's resurrected, she happily joins Licht and helps the demon lord in Dystopia as a result.
  • Necromancer: She controls and enslaves "spirits" that she uses for combat and espionage.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Her favorite activity is watching demon lords fight. She gets pouty when Licht points out that he is emphatically not fighting Aria, and is a bit regretful that she missed out on the fight between Aria and Garga.
  • Nothing Personal: She begs José not to hold a grudge against her when she prepares to attack him in defense of the dungeon. Then Licht walks into the room...

Licht's former party

     Common to All 
  • Fair-Weather Friend: As long as he was useful to them, they treated Licht with genuine kindness. The moment he stopped being useful, and an execution order came for his head, they abandoned him.
  • Fatal Flaw: Greed. They let their desire for cash blind them to the long-term consequences of their actions. It's especially bad when they get a hand-delivered request to investigate a rumored dungeon that has a huge reward attached. They never bother to ponder why the reward would be so large.
  • Just Following Orders: How they justify to Licht not even saying a word in his defense. "We can't go against the kingdom's official execution order don't hold a grudge against us."
  • Karmic Death: They lured Licht to an ambush and his execution by faking an adventurer's guild request. While on a genuine quest, they bump into Licht and his new allies in a dungeon. With Licht now actively hostile, they all face gruesome deaths.
  • Moral Myopia: Licht being sold, for cash, to executioners, well, no fighting the kingdom. Licht retaliates? He's sold his soul to evil, and he's a felon going down in the heralds of history, infamous for all time!
  • Nothing Personal: They ended their betrayal of Licht by saying "don't hate us for this."

The leader of the party.
  • Did Not Think This Through: When he sold out Licht, he expected that skilled and competent healers would figuratively fall out of the sky and into the party's lap, fighting over filling the now vacant position. Well, he's right about the party's fame bringing forward an ocean of applicants, but competent healers who can keep up with with the party's fighting style are actually exceptionally rare, as even the strongest of them normally has tissue-paper levels of defense and nearly zero fighting strength, since healers normally suffer from Crippling Overspecialization.
  • Eaten Alive: He's last seen in Rosé's quarters being swarmed by bats sucking away at him, with the vampire herself pondering if Licht's skill could be used to make him an infinite source of food. Bwahahaha!
  • How Did You Know? I Didn't: When he first recruited Licht, he didn't know of the latter's [Resurrection] skill, he just took pity on a lone adventurer and welcomed him to the group. It's only after they've been partying for a while that Licht revealed that skill in a long-forgotten incident.
  • Kick the Dog: As Licht is being taken away by executioners, he mocks the latter's plight, stating "maybe if you're lucky, you'll be buried in the hero's graveyard like that necromancer! HAHAHAHA!"
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His parting taunt would later give Licht the idea to go recruit Dorothy by resurrecting her out of the "hero's graveyard."
  • Removing the Crucial Teammate: Conspiring with church sanctioned executioners to sell Licht for cash was among the worst mistakes he ever made. His entire party was dependent on Licht's resurrection skill to deal with dangerous and deadly tasks, quests, and enemies. He tries to recruit a replacement healer to learn none of the candidates even come close to what Licht was capable of and have tissue-paper levels of defense. Then he and his party get a nominated quest from the crown to explore Dystopia and find themselves face to face with Licht's new crew, including Licht himself, who is now actively hostile. So much for that.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: He has no proper sword technique or style. He never even had a trainer. He only worked on brute strength by gaining levels and "skills" in fighting monsters over and over again, relying on Licht to resurrect him when he screwed up. He conveniently forgets the last part as he's selling Licht to executioners and then again when he finds himself face to face with Rosé. This makes him easy pickings for the vampire who is Strong and Skilled and could snatch his sword out of his hands mid-swing.

I know how you feel right now, Licht. But telling us right now won't change anything!
The lone female of the party.
  • And I Must Scream: Her last appearance, she's so paralyzed she can't talk, with Tisse and Iris pondering handing her over to Rosé to be sucked dry.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She puts forward a front of being a genuine Nice Girl like heavy makeup, but she's actually a Soft-Spoken Sadist who cares only for herself and looks forward to treating any "fourth" member of the party as a disposable tool.
  • Odd Name Out: Just about all the other people in the setting have Europe-centric names. Hers is Japanese.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only female of the party.

The demon lord's army? Do you know what you've done, you idiot! This is a felony that will be passed down through humanity down the ages!
The final member of the party.
  • Ambiguously Brown: He's got a Hispanic name but dark skin. Is he supposed to represent a Spanish Moor?
  • The Big Guy: He towers over all the other party members.
  • Death by Pragmatism: When he tries to teleport out of the dungeon and finds himself face to face with Farris, even though she was unarmed and was showing no hostility, he decided to take no chances and went for the kill. Naturally, her ability reflected the damage and he wound up dead too.
  • Moral Myopia: Selling Licht to be executed is only wrong because the party is being weakened, but Licht turning to the demons for aid to save himself is an unforgiveable crime.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: He disliked the execution order on Licht, not because it's inherently unjust, but because losing Licht would greatly weaken the party.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The moment he learned Licht was with the demon lord willingly, he tried to flee the dungeon to report his findings to the king. It might have even worked if he didn't decide to attack a clearly non-hostile Farris.
  • Token Good Teammate: Though the bar is set exceptionally low. He's the only one who objected to Licht being sold to executioners, but not because doing so is inherently wrong, but because the party would be greatly weakened.
  • Token Minority: He's the first character shown with dark skin.

Human Kingdom

     The executioners
How about we take bets on whether you'll survive!

  • Any Last Words?: Before stabbing Licht through the heart, the head executioner asks Licht if he has any last words, and isn't happy to hear Licht's response.
  • Faceless Goons: They have masks hiding the lower half of their face.
  • Kick Them While They're Down: Both figuratively and literally. As Licht is bound and on his knees, waiting to be stabbed in the back and through the heart, the head executioner taunts and provokes him, making it all a sadistic little game, and then kicks him off the cliff while he's still alive, after being stabbed. AND no, it wasn't painless.
  • No Name Given: Their names are never revealed.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: They just see executing people as a job, their victims as nothing of note.
  • Wants a Prize for Basic Decency: The head executioner wants gratitude from Licht for the fact that Licht's execution isn't a long, drawn-out, graphic and painful experience. He has the gall to be insulted that Licht doesn't appreciate being unjustly executed in the first place.

     The grave-keepers.
Why did someone have to come when it's just the two of us guarding the place?!
A pair of men guarding the tomb where Dorothy's corpse was buried. They made the mistake of antagonizing Farris as she and Licht were "paying their respects" and trying to resurrect Dorothy to recruit for the dungeon.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: One of them uses his halberd to slice Farris in half. Her ability automatically rebounds the injury, causing him to be bisected.
  • Hero Antagonist: They had no grudge against Licht and Farris. Their sacred task is protecting the graves from grave-robbers and looters. This causes them to inevitably come into conflict with Licht, who was looking to recruit Dorothy by resurrecting her.
  • No Name Given: They are never named.
  • Punch-Clock Hero: While they do condemn grave-robbing, they only act on it when they're on duty.
  • Violence is the Only Option: Their default action when seeing someone approach Dorothy's grave is coming at them with violence, presuming they're grave-robbers, or worse.

     King Resaga
The monsters may see our probe as an attack. It wouldn't be strange if they retaliate tomorrow!
The one who presumably issued the execution order for Licht due to the latter's "dangerous" skill.
  • Arch-Enemy: For drafting the execution order, he is Licht's ultimate target of vengeance.
  • Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto Us: Ordering the execution of Licht, sending Licht's former party into Dystopia, and then sending the kingdom's entire population of adventurers when Licht's former party goes silent is all due to his paranoia that something terrible will happen if the former is left alone. This fervently provokes hostility from the very dungeon he's afraid of.
  • Gut Feeling: He had a bad premonition about sending Licht's former party into Dystopia dungeon, but he never expected a Total Party Kill.
  • Improperly Paranoid: For fear that his citizens with "dangerous" skills might, just might, turn on him and help humanity's enemies, he gives orders for preemptive executions. Because those executions are inherently unjust, it prompts the victims to actively turn on the kingdom, especially those who drafted the order in the first place.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Strangely enough. He does indeed listen to his aides, who recommended seeking allies, not just from the neighboring human kingdoms, but from non-human races like elves and dragonians, before it's too late.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: He has death-squads running around killing people with "dangerous" skills to keep those skill from winding up helping the demons. Because the people with those skills are being executed unjustly, this prompts them to side with the demons.
  • Shoot the Dog: Presuming he's the one who signed the execution orders on Dorothy and Licht, and that it wasn't the case of some underling using his name, his death-squads are acting on the genuine desire to protect the citizenry from those who would bolster the demons' forces. Unfortunately, his actions are actively making those fears come to pass as the dogs in question don't like being shot and are biting back.

The leader of the Resaga punitive force against Dystopia.
  • Ambadassador: He was sent to Rathta to be the emissary asking for Queen Berne's aid. He's also an S-rank adventurer and the cream of the crop at that.
  • The Ace: He's the top S-rank adventurer in the kingdom and became the king's bodyguard as a result.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: He didn't know about Farris's special ability, nor Licht's, but he took them both down by exploiting the vulnerabilities he didn't know they had.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Deconstructed. When he meets Licht and Farris, he disarms and captures them with repulsive ease, but when they refuse to answer his questions, he starts applying pain to make them talk. Licht passes out from being "overstimulated" and Farris just glares. This gives Rosé enough time to swoop in and One-Hit KO him with a kick to the face.
  • Recognition Failure: He's met Licht before when Licht was part of his former party, at an audience with the king, but even though he felt that Licht was familiar, just couldn't place him.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has a significant scar on his face.
  • The Worf Effect: Both Worfs and gets worfed. He takes down Licht with ease, despite the fact that Licht showed he can handle himself in a fight when he crossed swords with Dover in the fight with East Demon Lord. In return Rosé took him down with ease, kicking him in the chin from below.

Elf Kingdom.

A guide? Sure! It's the least I can do for my saviors!
A young elf-girl Licht and the high-elf sisters meet en route to the elf country. They hear her scream as she's set upon by a giant spider. As they arrive on the scene, she is already dead, but that's not a problem. Once the spider is dealt with, Licht resurrects her. She then happily serves as their guide to the elf kingdom and sets up a meeting with the elf princess.
  • Ascended Fangirl: She's always dreamed of meeting high elves, and being rescued by Tisse and Iris had her literally starry-eyed.
  • Cheerful Child: She's a sweet and happy little girl, brimming with curiosity.
  • Children Are Innocent: A little girl without a trace of malice in her soul.
  • Constantly Curious: As expected of a small child, she's very inquisitive.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Wears her hair like this and has both the innocence and the joy to go with it.
  • Hero-Worshipper: She can't stop gushing over Licht and the High elf sisters.
  • I Owe You My Life: She's eternally grateful that Licht and crew saved her from becoming a giant spider's chow.
  • Wingding Eyes: Her eyes have literal stars in them when she learns Tisse and Iris are high elves.

The elf princess.
  • Debt Detester: She insists on rewarding Licht, Tisse, and Iris for their aid in taking down the giant spider that's been harassing her people, even though Licht and crew go Think Nothing of It.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She agrees to let her people intern in the dungeon Dystopia in exchange for Dystopia's aid in dealing with monsters and other hostile forces. Licht, Tisse, and Iris consider this a bargain.
  • Saying Too Much: She sends Licht and crew off by saying "Give my regards to Maou-sama." Yet none of Licht's party even mentioned Maou. After puzzling it over for a while, they go It's Probably Nothing since the elf princess is already an ally.


     As a whole 
  • Debt Detester: They will pay back any favor, twice fold, as is their custom.
  • Horned Humanoid: They sport horns on their head.
  • Little Bit Beastly: They are mostly human with a lizard's tail and horns.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: Forging tools, weapons, and armor is their favorite "hobby" and they are world-renowned for being very good at it. In order to impress them, Licht had to borrow Aria's prized sword.

East Demon Lord

     East Demon Lord Garga 
  • Achilles' Heel: He has two. The first is that if his opponent is acting on instinct and not deliberate intent, he can't predict their actions. This allows Rosé to actually harm him when she goes berserk. The second is that even if he can predict the actions of his opponent, if he's not fast and strong enough to counter them, it's all pointless, as he learns too late when he's facing off against Aria.
  • The Anticipator: His special ability. He can read through the moves and motives of whoever he faces.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Rosé manages to rip off his arm when they fight, but at the cost of her life.
  • Blood Knight: Deconstructed. The only thing he enjoys in life is battles to the death with powerful and talented foes. For near 100 years, this left him immensely bored and unfulfilled, as the only "fights" he had were random adventurers coming to him and getting stomped, effortlessly.
  • Cruel Mercy: On the receiving end. Aria allows him to regenerate the arm Rosé ripped off before their fight just to show him how outclassed he is, and so he can't use his injury as an excuse for his loss.
  • Gone Horribly Right: When Aria sends him a letter seeking an alliance, or at least a peace overture, he launches an attack at her dungeon, seeking to provoke her into a fight. Aria does indeed declare war, and this results in the extermination of his entire armed forces, including himself.
  • Shoot the Dog: When Rosé turns his right-hand woman into a thrall, he literally tears the girl to pieces.
  • Take Over the World: Averted. He considered trying it during his reign, but after some thought came to the conclusion that it's more trouble than it's worth just keeping track of the territory.
  • The Worf Effect: He both worfs and gets worfed. Rosé is shown going through powerful S-rank adventurers with disgusting ease, yet easily loses to him. When he's up against Aria, she spanks him like he's a rank amateur.

An enemy sniper that killed Farris, only to wind up dead herself.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Which even gets a lampshade from Dover. Her own flawless sniping technique winds up killing her when it rebounds from attacking Farris.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Introduced attacking Farris and dead the next scene. We never learn what kind of person she was.

Garga's top enforcer.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He was True Companions to everyone in the East Demon Lord's faction, and took their deaths badly.
  • Master Swordsman: He wields a powerful and heavy sword, and uses it effectively.
  • Revenge Myopia: He wants vengeance for the death of Luluca, even though he admits that she was the aggressor.
  • Tears of Blood: How he dies after he got hit by Tisse's "sprites."
  • Villain Respect: He praises Licht on being able to parry his sword strikes, as opposed to just mindlessly flaying his sword around like previous intruders.

Ratha Kingdom:

     Queen Berne 
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: She bows her head to the ground and begs to serve Aria so long as the latter guarantees her life. Aria responds that even if someone comes along and kills her, Licht will be sent to revive her with his Resurrection skill.
  • Benevolent Boss: To her maid Anna, she's the best thing to come into her life.
  • Cassandra Truth: She refuses to believe Aria is Aria the Demon Lord until Aria proves it with a display of force.
  • The Good King: Good Queen, to be precise, but she's a benevolent ruler who rules fairly and is well loved by her kingdom.
  • Laborious Laziness: Deconstructed. She worked hard to become the "human" queen of Ratha so she could then laze around, but she learned, too late, that being queen is actually hard work.
  • The Mole: She's actually a nine-tailed fox spirit in disguise.
  • Uriah Gambit: She happily agrees to "help" the Resaga army march on Dystopia, after secretly warning Aria and crew first, because she knows that with Licht in the mix, it doesn't matter how good the army is, as Aria and crew will likely outlast them, and the Resaga kingdom won't have casus belli to come after her because she did give them the help she promised.

The queen's personal maid.
  • Meido: She's Berne's personal maid.
  • Morality Pet: Berne dotes on and treasures her.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even if Berne turns out to be a monster, she will still follow her queen.
