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     Dio Brando 
Power - Stand: Voodoo Kingdom - Geass: My Evil Eyes

The Chancellor of Britannia. An elderly man who rose to power by his own merit and skill.

  • A God Am I: Wouldn't be Dio without his massive ego. His ultimate plan is to make this literal, supplanting the collective unconsciousness with his own mind.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Dies the same way he does in canon: a teenage Joestar fatally damages his Stand while he screams in disbelief.
  • No-Sell: His Stand transfers any damage to anything he's in contact with.
  • Older Than They Look: Is a (mostly) normal human in this story, yet still (at times) looks like he's in his twenties. This is a result of his Stand; Voodoo Kingdom periodically transferred away his aging.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Was technically the one behind Stand Out, having sent Colonel West to Area Eleven to spy on Clovis for him, with permission to cause chaos should that no longer be possible.

Dio's Followers

     Vanilla Ice 
Power - Stand: Cream

  • Hero Killer: Kills Sayako, and puts Lelouch and Nunnally through their paces, forcing them to abandon the Siege Perilous even after defeating him.

A sentient Stand possessing a sword. Takes control of whomever holds it.
  • Adaptational Badass: Anubis Requiem is capable of repairing itself, alongside harming others at a distance.
  • Hero Killer: Kills Darlton while making Euphemia commit a massacre.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: The reason he works for Dio: after finding him, Dio completely ignored any attacks from him, and even held the sword without being controlled. After this, Anubis obeys him without question.
  • Villain Team-Up: Joins with Mao after finding their goals align, even letting Mao stay in control of his body. He makes it clear he can still take control if he deems it necessary.

     The Vampire 
See Luciano Bradley's folder on the Britannia page

     The Dame 
See Dorothea Ernst's folder on the Britannia page

     The Valkyries 
See Valkyrie Squadron's section on the Britannia page


An assassin sent to murder Johnathan Joestar after his exile to Australia.

  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The second Zeppeli arrives, he's immediately destroyed.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: After being turned into a vampire, he quickly gets high off his new power, even declaring himself stronger than Dio.
  • Starter Villain: The first supernatural threat Johnathan encounters in this story.

     The Brute 
Power - Geass

An axe-wielding assassin sent by Dio nine years after Render's death. Possesses a Geass that slows down living people it's focused on.

  • Accidental Murder: On the receiving end of it. Johnathan intended to take him alive to stand trial for his crimes, but his last attack inadvertently impaled the assassin's neck on a loose nail, severing his brain stem.
  • Hero Killer: He fulfills Tonpetty's prediction of killing Zeppeli. He also murdered Lisa Lisa's parents.
  • No Name Given: Is only identified as 'the brute'.

Stand Out

A group of Stand wielders involved with Code-R. After Clovis' death, they go rogue.
  • Arc Villain: Serve as the first real threat to the public in the story, and the main villains of the first arc.


Colonel Kanyon West

The leader of Stand Out, a fanatic for chaos and battle.

  • Combo Platter Powers: Has four separate abilities with his Stand,but can only use one at a time:
  • Evil Is Petty: He lets himself be smothered to death by Shirley (as opposed to taking a quicker and less painful death by gunshot) just so she'd be scarred by having blood on her hands.
  • The Mole: Was secretly ordered by Dio to spy on Clovis on his behalf, with permission to spread chaos if he could no longer do so.
  • Shout-Out: His name brings to mind Kanye West.
  • Smug Super: He's very strong and he knows it, constantly boasting about how he's "Better" than everyone and that he's a One-Man Army. Unfortunately for the Britannian military, the JLF, and the Black Knights, he can more than back up his claims. It takes the combined efforts of nearly everybody introduced so far to stop him.
  • Synchronization: As per the norm, damage done to the Stand reflects on him. As it turns out, this also applies to if the Stand is smothered.


Joseph Fenette

Power - Stand: Lonely Heart

The most reluctant member of Stand Out.

  • Dramatic Irony: Is nearly forced to kill Zero to protect his daughter Shirley. Shirley is Zero in this story.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Still dies by being buried alive courtesy of a plan by Lelouch, who doesn't learn his connection to Shirley until after the fact.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted with his brother-in-law, Joseph Joestar.


Lena Peisads

Power - Stand: Children of the Night/ Monster Mash

A young nurse with a fascination for fear and horror films. Later joins JOJO as one of his Paladins.

  • All Your Powers Combined: What Monster Mash does: it allows her to fuse all seven of her monsters into herself, giving her all the strengths (and weaknesses) of her 'children'.
  • Death Equals Redemption: Despite being fatally wounded by Luciano, she still manages to save the kids he was holding hostage (and planned to kill anyway).
  • Monster Progenitor: Her Stand in a nutshell. She can create vampires, werewolves, mummies, ghosts, zombies, skeleton, and Frankenstein's monsters by having her 'children' possess others.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Is far to into horror films. Even without the Serial Killer tendencies.
  • Oh, Crap!: Her reaction upon realizing she's trapped with C.C. and someone given a Geass. And when realizing Luciano tricked her into sending all her 'children' away while facing him.
  • Serial Killer: Was known as the Inquisition Killer when West found her.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Zig-zagged. While in Arc 1 she has no qualms about trying to break Nunnally, her dying moments in Arc 4 involve rescuing children threatened by Luciano Bradley. JOJO's effect on her character may have something to do with it.


Eric von Dreyer

Power - Stand: Programmed to Fight

A young man from a well-to-do Britannian family, involved in the Knightmare Frame production business.

  • Evil Counterpart: To Lloyd.
  • Outside-Context Problem: While Stands as a whole is this to the average Brittanian military force, P 2 F stands out amongst others as a prime example of this trope. Not only does he have a supernatural power unknown to the general public, but it's a power that robs Britannia of its greatest strength: their Knightmare Frames.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: In his first appearance as P 2 F, he immediately berates Jeremiah Gottwald on trying to frame Suzaku for Clovis's murder and calls him out on being corrupted and slothful.
  • Technopath: His Stand allows him to control Knightmare Frames with his mind.


Colonel Breedington

Power - Stand: Man on Fire

An officer in the Britannian military.

  • Berserk Button: Doesn't like when others insult his wife. When his own son disparages her memory after finding out she was an Honorary Britannian, he responds by punching his son to the ground. Even when Suzaku taunted him by telling him what his peers would say if he was beaten by "a lowly Honorary Britannian," and even though he consciously knows that Suzaku wasn't talking about his late wife and the jab wasn't directed at her, it was enough to set him on fire.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: Married an Honorary Brittanian, despite being a high-class citizen and the Purist faction would've tried to destroy his reputation for it if they found out, because loving her aside he valued her skills. He also tried to recruit Suzaku, another Honorary Brittanian, to his side, despite Elevens in Code Geass getting a huge amount of flak in Brittanian society AND the Purist faction being located IN Area Eleven, all because Suzaku was VERY skilled.
  • Evil Virtues: Very ambitious enough to try to leave his mark on the world, isn't racist, told Suzaku the truth of what the Purists planned for him, loves his son and late wife, was loyal enough to Clovis to restrain himself from burning down Shinjuku, acknowledged Villeta's and Suzaku's skill to the point that he tried to recruit Suzaku. Still a villain who tried to kill Villeta and Suzaku and experimented upon countless of people, nearly drowned an Eleven in lemonade, and hits his son.
  • Mr. Exposition: Explains to Suzaku that the Purists intend to frame him for Clovis's murder, and even details the hypothetical outcome of what'll happen if this news went public. This was mostly done to stall for time to tire out Suzaku. Later, he explains to Suzaku exactly what Code R does and explains how a person can obtain a Stand, despite both information being a secret, but this time it's to try to recruit him.
  • Playing with Fire: His Stand's primary power.
    • Required Secondary Powers: Breedington is unaffected by his Stand's powers. His belongings on the other hand, such as his Knightmare, are not.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to West's red. This was best emphasized when the two of them went to recruit Eric von Dreyer.
  • The Stoic: Rarely loses his cool, even when his wife died and when others insulted her memory (whether knowingly or unknowingly), although he is definitely shaking with rage inside. It would seem that his personality doesn't fit his powers until you realize he's still burning with fury on the inside.
  • Talking Is a Free Action: Subverted HARD initially. While Suzaku was trying to talk Breedington down to surrender, Breedington was actively using Man on Fire to raise the temperature of the surrounding area since Knightmare Frames have enough layers of armor to withstand his flames. Suzaku noticed that Breedington instead utilized Man on Fire to raise the temperature in the area, and took advantage of Suzaku's pacifistic nature to tire him out from the heat, in the hopes that Suzaku passes out without putting up a fight.
    • Later, Breedington explains to Suzaku the purpose of Code R mid-fight, while the two of them are actively fighting each other.
  • Tough Love: He does indeed love his son, but he's never hesitant to strike him to discipline him.
  • Uptown Guy: Colonel Breedington was a man of status, while his wife was an Honorary Brittanian. He loved her regardless and proposed to her, even though he knew that she only accepted his proposal to raise her status beyond just a Number.
  • Villain Respect: Outright told Viletta that in an even fight without his Stand, she would've beaten him. Later, despite fighting him to the death, during his fight with Suzaku, he offers Suzaku the opportunity to join Code R because he acknowledges that a person of Suzaku's caliber would easily be able to control a Stand.
  • Warm-Up Boss: Serves as this to Suzaku as his first fight with a Stand User. The battle takes place between Knightmare Frames (which he's familiar with) and Man on Fire actually leaves a heat signature that Suzaku can track, allowing him to avoid the invisible fire. He even notes that later Stands don't leave a heat signature.
  • We Can Rule Together: Offers this to Suzaku. Naturally, he refuses. He's so impressed by Suzaku that he offers this to him TWICE.
  • You Have Failed Me: Tries to kill Villetta over her failure to retrieve the Arrow or C.C.
