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Characters / Limit (2009)

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Character Sheet for Limit (2009).

    In General 

  • Fire-Forged Friends: At the beginning of the series, Moriko was a bully victim of the Girl Posse Konno and Haru were part of, Konno and Haru were False Friends to each other, and Kamiya looked down on all of them for being useless and gossiping mean girls. Over the course of their experiences together however, they would all become much closer and eventually friends. It's shown in the end that in the months after they survived the bus crash, Konno, Haru, Kamiya and Moriko all still stick together in school as friends.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Since all of them are stranded with only one set of clothes, they all wear their school uniforms for the entire series and never change out of them.
    Mizuki Konno 

Portrayed by: Sakuraba Nanami

  • The Heart: While Kamiya is The Ace, Mizuki's empathic nature is what ends up holding the group together.
  • The Hero: While Kamiya and Hinata certainly played important roles, Konno is the main character and the one who kept the group together to stay alive long enough to find help.
  • Nice Girl: Deconstructed. She was originally a nice girl in a school full of mean girls, until she helped out an unpopular girl who betrayed her and caused her to be socially ostracized, leading her to vow to stop showing sympathy to others and just focus on her own status. Reconstructed later though as her Nice Girl self gets brought out again and ends up bringing the group together.
  • Passionate Sports Girl: Zig-zagged. She was a member of her school's swim team, but failed to keep at her best and considered leaving the team until Hinata gave her some words of encouragement, leading her to stay just for him.
  • Save the Villain: When Hinata tries to commit suicide after being unveiled as the murderer, Konno saves him simply because it would solve nothing and there are better ways to atone.
  • Token Good Teammate: While she was a member of Sakura's friend group, she was only one to hold back from bullying.
  • Took a Level in Badass: She grows a lot more of a spine as the show goes on, becoming her own person instead of going along with the group and learning to stand up for herself.
    Haru Ichinose 

Portrayed by: Ayano Kudo

  • Beta Bitch: She was originally Sakura's Yes-Man and crony in her bullying schemes.
  • False Friend: Initially she didn't care about Konno and only hung out with her because she was Sakura's other friend. After the bus crash it began to be subverted as she and Konno gradually became friends for real.
  • Frame-Up: Gets framed for Usui's murder by the real culprit.
  • Not Quite Dead: Gets chased off a cliff after she's accused of killing Usui, but survives the fall long enough (despite having several broken bones) for help to arrive and take her to a hospital where she can recover.
  • The Power of Friendship: When she fell off a cliff and broke her bones, what kept her going? Her desire to see Konno and spend time with her again.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: While she starts off a False Friend to Konno and on bad terms with everyone else, over the course of the show she becomes much nicer and grows closer to Konno over their shared experience.
    Chieko Kamiya 

Portrayed by: Tao Tsuchiya

  • The Ace: Given all of her survival knowledge, she ends up being the most important member of the group, and the only reason they survive the first few nights.
  • Cool Big Sis: Her younger siblings all love her and look up to her a lot, since she's the one who took care of them.
  • Parental Substitute: As her younger siblings lost their parents in a car crash, and their grandfather was absent overseas often, Chieko ended up having to take care of her younger siblings.
  • Role Reversal: Spends the entire series helping others with her survival knowledge, only to be crippled towards the end after getting slashed, leading the others to have to help her.
  • The Smart Guy: Her logical thinking and survival experience make her the smartest member of the group and the one with the most relevant knowledge to share.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Wears glasses and is the most intelligent, experienced and logical of the group.
  • The Spock: She's the most logical and clear-thinking, though this means that at times she can be a bit blunt and have difficulty connecting with others.
    Arisa Morishige 

Portrayed by: Rio Yamashita

  • Alpha Bitch: Tries to be this after she gets ahold of the sickle, declaring herself "Empress" and trying to get Konno and Haru to fight over a water bottle. She falls when Usui takes the sickle and runs off.
  • Ax-Crazy: When she's not acting eerily cold and silent, she's often lashing out in frantic fits.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Has her hair cut short so it doesn't fall below her neck, signifying her loner persona and her strangeness.
  • Broken Bird: Her physical abuse at the hands of her father and her mother's emotional neglect has led her to become very withdrawn and fragile inside.
  • Bungled Suicide: Tries to kill herself by stabbing herself with a shard of glass, but becomes too afraid to go through with it when she starts bleeding.
  • Mad Artist: Spends much of her time drawing manga as a way of escaping from the troubles in her life.
  • The McCoy: Of the Ax-Crazy type. Her instability means she's prone to getting very emotional.
  • The Ophelia: She's mentally unstable, but is quite cute in spite of her disheveled appearance.
    Chikage Usui 

Portrayed by: Yuka Masuda

  • The Ingenue: She's quite innocent and naive on account of being doted on by her mom.
  • Kill the Cutie: The most sweet and innocent of the group, who unfortunately bites it halfway through.
    Haruaki Hinata 

Portrayed by: Katsuhiro Suzuki

  • The Ace: While he lacks the survival experience of Kamiya, his physical strength and athleticism make him another key member responsible for the group's survival.
  • Alliterative Name: Haruaki Hinata.
  • The Atoner: After he realizes how horrible he's become to try to murder his own friends and is saved from suicide by Konno, he finds the resolve to help the other survivors find help and face whatever justice awaits him when they return as a way of atoning. Once they're all saved, Hinata fully confesses his crimes, believing himself deserving of whatever punishment awaits him.
  • Big Bad Slippage: He was a genuine Nice Guy at the beginning, and his killing of Usui was a total accident. However, his desire to not let anyone find out what he had done led him to frame Haru and run her off a cliff, and then try to choke Konno, and then try to kill Konno and the others to keep any of them from telling.
  • The Big Guy: On account of his strength and athleticism from being a skilled swimmer, he's the one best suited to handle physical tasks such as catching fish with a net.
  • Broken Pedestal: Needless to say, Konno did not take learning that her crush was responsible for the murder of one of her friends well.
  • Driven to Suicide: Tries to commit suicide after he realizes he just tried to kill Konno. Konno stops him and tells him there's other ways he can atone.
  • Evil Plan: After he's revealed as the one who killed Usui, he comes up with a plan to murder Konno, Kamiya and Moriko before throwing their bodies in the bus and setting it on fire, destroying the evidence and sending a signal to where he is while leaving him as the Sole Survivor.
  • Hate Sink: Zig-zagged and ultimately subverted. While he starts out sympathetic, he becomes quite repulsive when he tries to kill Konno, his Love Interest, and coldly tells her and the other survivors his plans to kill them and burn their bodies in the bus to leave no evidence of what happened. Then he realizes how bad he's become and takes a step back before spending the rest of the series working to atone.
  • Hidden Villain: He killed Usui (albeit accidentally). He also framed Haru.
  • Love Interest: He's Konno's crush at the beginning. It's later shown he reciprocates.
  • Love Makes You Evil: He loved Konno and reciprocated her affections towards him, but was worried what she would think of him if she found out he killed Usui, leading him to cover up her murder and eventually jump off the slippery slope.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After Kamiya blocks him from killing Konno and takes the slash from the sickle instead, Hinata realizes how awful he's become and tries to commit suicide.
  • Sole Survivor: After he's revealed to be the culprit of Usui's murder and the one who framed Haru, he tries to invoke this by killing the other survivors and disposing of the evidence so no one will be able to say what happened, leaving him as the only survivor.
