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Flag of Iron Guard Romania 
Flag of the Romanian Socialist Republic 
Official Name: Kingdom of Romania, Romanian Socialist Republic (Socialist)
Ruling Party: Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihailnote 
Ideology: National Populism

After the Weltkrieg, bitterness over defeat led to revanchist nationalism taking over the Kingdom of Romania. The Legionary Movement would emerge as the vanguard of Romanian ultra-nationalism, led by the charismatic Corneliu Codreanu. In 1933, the Legion found itself propelled to leadership with the backing of Carol II, the newly incumbent Romanian monarch and an ambitious revanchist. Though the two strongmen's government has become shaky by 1936, it is clear that no matter who emerges victorious, Romania will remain devoted towards the goal of conquering Greater Romania.

  • Allohistorical Allusion: Given the lack of Nazi Germany in Kaiserreich 1936, some of their traits are present in Romania. They take on a very similar, if more regional role as Nazi Germany.
    • Like Germany in real life, Romania in Kaiserreich was a former power which that was defeated in the First World War, and subject to harsh treaties that caused them to cede their territories to their enemies (Romania lost Dobrogea and the Carpathian passes in the Treaty of Bucharest, while Germany lost a lot of stuff in the Treaty of Versailles). After a period of destabilization, a revanchist far-right party took power, with an anti-Semitic leader that desires to reconquer their lost territories and possibly gain new ones.
    • In gameplay, Romania, like Nazi Germany, can start off trying to militarily contest a border region that was ceded to their enemies after the First World War (Carpathian Mountains versus Rhineland). After that, they can begin their road to reconquest by first reclaiming territories lost after WWI (Dobrogea versus West Prussia and Alsace-Lorraine), then go on to press for more territories where their ethnic groups live in (Transylvania versus Sudetenland).
    • The circumstances surrounding Codreanu's rise to power mirrors Mussolini's in real life, where a radical nationalist faction was empowered by the monarchy, though in Codreanu's case, the royals willingly appointed the fascists as the ruling party, instead of being forced to. Also like Mussolini, Codreanu's Romania is the forerunner for national populism, similar to how Fascist Italy was the forerunner for fascism in Real Life.
  • I Can Rule Alone: Once their common goal is achieved, the Royalists and Legionaries will fight it out until one comes up on top.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: In 1933, King Carol II and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, leader of the Iron Guard, formed an alliance as they both sought to undermine parliamentarism and bring about an authoritarian regime to lead Romania into a 'rebirth', leading to the Legion winning the 1933 election by a landslide. However, the King and his Prime Minister are far too ambitious to share power; they still work together to forge a Greater Romanian state, while also quietly plotting against each other behind the scenes.

Carol II
Role: Kingnote 
Party: Royal Camarilla, Frontul Renasterii Nationalenote  (Carol wins power struggle)
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • Cult of Personality: Once secure in his position as King of Greater Romania, Carol will build a cult of personality around himself. The king must be depicted in a way that truly shows his power and his God-appointed mission to lead the Romanian people, and the nation should venerate their Saviour-King as He brings forth a golden age for them.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Carol II is highly autocratic, corrupt, and reactionary, but his rule is far less fanatical than the Iron Guard.
  • Puppet King: If Codreanu wins the power struggle and arrests King Carol, he could choose to leave him alive under house arrest, so he would only have to deal with a feeble, familiar threat that he can easily be rid of should the need arise.
  • The Purge: After killing Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and emerging victorious in his power struggle with the Iron Guard, King Carol can eliminate the rest of the high-ranking Legionaries in order to ensure that they can no longer plot against him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After the conquest of Transylvania, King Carol no longer needs the Iron Guard and will dispose of their leadership to cement his own power.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Role: Prime Ministernote 
Party: Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihailnote 
Ideology: National Populism

  • Allohistorical Allusion: King Carol can decapitate the Iron Guard by having the Gendarmerie drag Codreanu to Jilava Prison and shoot him, then claim that he was killed when trying to escape custody in Tâncăbeşti, exactly like what happened in real life.
  • Decapitated Army: The Iron Guard's expanding size and growing popularity means that he also has to keep the emergent factions of the organization under control in addition to his duties as Prime Minister.note  This can also lead to a huge drop in the Iron Guard's organization should he die... but it may also give the more radical strands and ideas of the Legion free reign, leading to a plot against King Carol as well and a possible Cantacuzino takeover.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Prime Minister Codreanu is stuck in a power struggle against his king, even as they work together toward their shared goal of forging Greater Romania.
  • Landslide Election: In 1933, the Legion won a sweeping electoral victory, elevating Codreanu to the post of Prime Minister.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Codreanu actually represents the moderate wing of the Iron Guard; some of his followers are even more fanatical than him.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Unlike many other National Populist factions, which are usually ambiguously fascist, the Iron Guard is completely unambiguously fascist and virulently anti-semitic.
  • President Evil: If neither Codreanu nor Carol wins their power struggle, resulting in democracy returning to Romania, Codreanu (if he survived) could still end up winning the elections and becoming Prime Minister again, putting a somewhat-defanged Legion back into power. If Codreanu is dead, his successor (either Ion Moța or Horia Sima, but not Alexandru Cantacuzino) can fulfill a similar role.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once their shared goal of establishing Greater Romania is achieved, Codreanu will turn on King Carol and have the Avengers assassinate him. Afterwards, Codreanu can then execute them as well in order to appease the Legion's monarchist old guard and alleviate the fear of the people that no one is sacred to the Iron Guard.

Alexandru Cantacuzino
Role: Conducătornote 
Party: Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihailnote 
Ideology: National Populism

  • The Evil Prince: Prince Alexandru Cantacuzino is a descendant of the noble Ghica family, and one of the most radical figures within the far-right Iron Guard movement.
  • Putting on the Reich: Cantacuzino assumes the title Conducător (historically held by fascist dictator Ion Antonescu during World War II), which translates to Leader, like Führer.
  • Regent for Life: After ousting the Hohenzollern dynasty, Conducător Cantacuzino assumes the mantle of Regent until a fitting new monarch is chosen (which he'll never actually do).

Nicolae I
Role: Kingnote  (Legionaries wins power struggle)
Party: Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihailnote 
Ideology: National Populism

  • Puppet King: Can be made king if the Legionaries win the power struggle and force Carol to abdicate. He is completely fine with this, have far more interest in his hobbies than in actually ruling, only having them modify the Statute of the Royal House to make his marriage legitimate.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Aligned himself with the Legionary Movement basically because his brother objected to his marriage to a divorced woman.

Mihai I
Role: Kingnote  (Democracy returns)
Party: Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihailnote , Royal Camarilla, Guvern Militarnote , Partidul National TaranescClick to Show , Partidul National-Liberalnote 
Ideology: National Populism, Paternal Autocracy, Authoritarian Democracy, PNTClick to Show , Market Liberalism

  • The Good King: If he dismisses the Legionary government, he can usher in a restoration of parliamentary democracy, either under the old dominant National Liberal Party or the relative newcomers of the National Peasant's Party. However the Iron Guard can also reprofile themselves and try to retake power via elections, at least for a while.
  • Puppet King: If the Iron Guard wins their power struggle and King Carol is either killed, exiled or forced to abdicate, Michael will be crowned as a powerless figurehead. However, Michael also can choose to dismiss the government instead, paving the way for a restoration of democracy.

Flag of the Serbian Socialist Republic 
Flag of the Kingdom of Serbia 
Flag of Yugoslavia 
Flag of Socialist Yugoslavia 
Official Name: Republic of Serbia
Republic: Republic of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia), United States of Yugoslavia (SocLib/SocDem Yugoslavia)
Socialist: Serbian Socialist Republic
Kingdom: Kingdom of Serbia, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia)
Ruling Party: Srpska republikanska strankanote 
Ideology: Social Liberalism
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb nationalist, was the catalyst which caused the beginning of the Weltkrieg. Though Serbian forces fought valiantly and earned the world's respect by stalling the Central Powers advance for months, by late 1915 the entirety of the country ended up occupied. Divided into Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian occupation zones, Serbia was exploited and burned, its adversaries seeking to enact revenge upon what they saw as a barbaric regime. This only emboldened resistance in the territory, however, and things on both sides of the front changed by 1918. Austria-Hungary, pressured by its German allies, finally began peace talks, while the Serbian resistance in Corfu, seeing the pitiful state of the Entente, came to the conclusion that even a bitter peace is better than annexation. King Petar abdicated and his son took the throne as Aleksandar II, who signed the punitive Treaty of Wartholz in 1919 - it restored a rump Serbia in the Austro-Hungarian occupation zone, forever tied to the Austrian sphere of influence.
An emboldened socialist movement in Belgrade, inspired by the Russian and French revolutions, and the opposition of the People's Radical Party got Aleksandar II to respond harshly. Political life was suspended, the socialist movement banned, and a Royal Dictatorship ushered in to maintain order in the defeated nation. This act only inflamed tensions in the country by the end, however, and it boiled over to revolution in 1925. The military, organised into the Konspiracija secret society, made an act of defiance against their King and orchestrated an assassination of Aleksandar II on December 3rd, which led the Royal Dictatorship to its collapse. Prime Minister Vojislav Veljković, surrendered to the opposition, which proclaimed a Serbian Republic.
After a brief diplomatic standoff, the provisional government of Ljubomir Stojanović recognised the Treaty of Wartholz, and Vienna recognised the Republican government in turn. Today, Serbia stands as a burning symbol of democracy in the Balkans - at least on the surface. In truth, however, while the government may proclaim heartwarming goals like peace, welfare and prosperity, nothing in the Serbian government happens without the approval of the Konspiracija. This military secret society, deliberately styled after the Black Hand, seeks one thing and one thing only - the liberation of all Serbs outside of the Republic's borders. Again in the shadows, another conspiracy lurks as well - the White Hand, led by Petar Živković, which waits for a chance to overthrow the Republican interregnum and restore the underage son of Aleksandar II.
As 1936 begins, Serbia is still, nominally, a client state of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but this grip grows looser by the second, and once it finally falls, all of Serbia's enemies may tremble.
  • The Republic: Serbia starts as a progressive republic under the Serbian republican party, and all three initial electoral candidates support a republican state of affairs.
  • Revenge: Serbia created the Belgrade Pact with Romania and Greece to take revenge on Bulgaria, who took territory from all three nations (Slavic Macedonia and Nis from Serbia, Greek Macedonia from Greece and Dobruja from Romania) after winning World War I on the side of the Central Powers.
  • Rising Empire: When Black Monday forces Austria to withdraw its troops along the two countries' border, Serbia finally gets the chance to realise its ambition: take back Macedonia and Nis from Bulgaria, then invade Austria and unite its South Slavic population under a Federation of Yugoslavia.

Dragomir Vasić
Role: Presidentnote 
Party: Srpska republikanska strankanote 
Ideology: Social Liberalism

  • The Federation: Vasić and his republicans seek to create a democratic Yugoslav Federation where all of its disparate cultures have equal representation, while introducing progressive reforms such as workplace democracy.

Milan Stojadinović
Role: Presidentnote  (Elections), Vođa (Final Step)
Party: Narodna radikalna strankanote , Srpska radikalna zajednicanote  (Merger with Agrarian Party/Vođa/Monarchy), Jugoslavenska radikalna seljačka demokratijanote  (Vođa/Monarchy, Yugoslavia), Srpski odbor za narodno ujedinjenjenote  (National Consolidation), Narodna Radikalna Strankanote  (National Consolidation, Yugoslavia)
Ideology: Market Liberalism, Social Conservatism (Merger with Agrarian Party), Paternal Autocracy (Vođa/Monarchy), Authoritarian Democracy (National Consolidation)

  • Allohistorical Allusion: Stojadinović's authoritarian route is similar to what happened historically, where his leadership of Yugoslavia grew more and more right-wing and authoritarian with time, though it's toned down.
  • The Empire: Stojadinović is one of the leaders that can create Integral Yugoslavia, where his centralized leadership attempts to create a single Yugoslavian identity by subsuming the South Slavic peoples.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Stojadinović's rule can become more and more authoritarian, betraying his initial republican stance, and eventually he can either set up a dictatorship or restore the monarchy with King Peter as his puppet
  • The Federation: Stojadinović and his Radical Party seek to create a Yugoslavia of three tribes, where the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes are joined together in a federal republic.

Trifun Kaclerović
Role: Presidentnote  (Elections)
Party: Socijalistička radnička partijanote , Socijalistička radnička partija Jugoslavijenote  (Yugoslavia), Socijalistička partija Srbijenote  (Collapse of the Socijalistička radnička partija)
Ideology: Radical Socialism, Social Democracy (Collapse of the Socijalistička radnička partija)

  • Chummy Commies: The Socialist Workers Party under Kaclerović can create a Socialist Yugoslavia, all the while preserving and improving the rights of the workers.

Peter II
Role: Kingnote 

  • Puppet King: Peter, if restored, is merely a puppet of either Petar Zivković's military government, Dimitrije Ljotić's National Populist government, or Stojadinović's one party state. If he plays his cards right, Peter can change this.
  • The Puppet Cuts His Strings: Called to action by an encouraging letter from retiring Vojvoda Petar Bojović, Peter can arrest his puppeteers in the military and set up a constitutional monarchy inspired by his western upbringing.
  • Rightful King Returns: With the deposition and death of his father Alexander, Peter is the rightful heir to the old Serbian monarchy, and if the Chetniks and the White Hand coup the elected socialist government he is returned to his throne.

Petar Živković
Role: Country Leader
Party: Bela Rukanote , Srpska radikalna seljačka demokratijanote  (Regency, Serbia), Jugoslavenska radikalna seljačka demokratijanote  (Regency, Yugoslavia)
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • Good Old Ways: The monarchist faction in the army is the most conservative group in Serbia, and has therefore found itself marginalized in the current progressive era in Serbian politics. Živković can change this this if the socialists fail to secure their power, recreating the old Serbian kingdom how it was before it was defeated by the Austrians.
  • Man Behind the Man: Once the White Hand restores the monarchy, Živković takes his place as the leader of a military junta that makes decisions in the name of the monarch.

Milan Nedić
Role: Field Marshal, Country Leader (Konspiracija takeover or Released by a National Populist country after October coup)
Party: Vojna huntanote , Srpski narodni pokret "Buđenje"note 
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy, National Populism

  • Man Behind the Man: Can potentially become this to any leader if they rely on the Konspiracja too heavily, taking over the country from behind the scenes, and eventually seizing power once Yugoslavia is declared, transforming the nation into a greater Serbian state that immediately collapses in on itself.

Flag of Kingdom of Albania 
Flag of the Albanian Socialist Republic 
Official Name: Republic of Albania, Kingdom of Albania (Austrian puppet state), Albanian Socialist Republic (Socialist)
Ruling Party: Partia Përparimtarenote 
Ideology: Social Conservatism
The Peace with Honour in 1919 saw the exiled Prince Wilhelm of Wied restored to the throne of the Principality of Albania, firmly placed within the Austrian sphere of influence. The prince’s foreign origins and the prominence of Austrian interests proved to be deeply unpopular with the Albanian people. A nationalist conspiracy started to gain influence within the country, driven by an unlikely alliance between conservative aristocrats and leftist activists. Internal turmoil within Austria in 1924 gave the nationalists the window of opportunity to break Albania out of the Empire’s sphere and once again remove the prince from power, establishing the Republic of Albania.
Following the Albanian Revolution of 1924, the nationalist alliance splintered almost immediately, resulting in the rise of two political parties: the conservative Progressive Party under the leadership of influential aristocrat Shefqet Vërlaci and the reformist Unity Party lead by activist Avni Rustemi. As the largest landowner in Albania and bankroller of the conspiracy, Vërlaci and his aristocratic allies were able to ensure electoral victories in the 1924, 1928, and 1932 elections for the Progressive Party. This electoral domination has allowed Vërlaci to maintain his role as President of the Republic of Albania for more than a decade by 1936, with Ahmet Zogu fulfilling the role of Prime Minister.
Avni Rustemi’s Unity Party has not spent the decade idly, however. The feudalistic structure of the young republic has drawn protests from the country’s lower classes. The Unity Party stands at the forefront of calls for land reform and political empowerment of the lower class, something that the Progressive Party has predictably opposed. With possible worldwide economic turmoil in the near future, the current political climate in Albania is highly polarized. Whether the Progressive Party once again secures victory in the upcoming election or the Unity Party takes advantage of ongoing economic crises to dislodge the aristocrats from government, conflict is expected to follow.
The danger of conflict is not exclusively internal, however. War between Albania’s neighbors seems to once again be on the horizon, and whoever comes out on top in the 1936 elections will have to decide how to navigate diplomacy in a time of regional chaos.
  • Allohistorical Allusion:
    • The fact that both playable paths include the possible assassinations of the current president is authentic to the interwar politics of the Republic of Albania in real life, with Avni Rustemi being shot and killed in 1924 and Ahmet Zogu being wounded in an attempt two years prior.
    • Xhafer Ypi and Midhat Frashëri, who lead Albania if it's released by a Social Liberal or National Populist overlord (respectively), were also collaborators with the Axis in real life.
  • Assassination Attempt: The issue of land reform proves to be so controversial that the current president will face several assassination attempts due to his policy. If the focus concerning land reform is taken before the one creating a gendarmerie, there will be another attempt that will almost always succeed. Similarly, Wied can be assassinated if the gendarmerie has not been created.
  • The Coup: If the current president is successfully assassinated, the opposing party will coup the government. The successor party to the former ruling party can still take power through the next elections, however.
  • Ironic Name: The Progressive Party, despite its name, seeks to push the reactionary agenda of the Albanian aristocracy. Less so with the Unity Party, though the word "unity" is often seen in the names of social conservative parties of other Kaiserreich nations.
  • Meet the New Boss: If the president is assassinated, his successor's rule will not be really different.
  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: Both in the backstory and in the case of being puppeted by Austria in-game, Albanians do not like having to deal with Wilhelm zu Wied and the foreign interests he brings. The Albanian Revolution of 1924 was enacted in order to free the country from its German prince and his Austrian backers, and should Wied return as king thanks to Austria taking over Albania, he will be faced with heavy resistance and even assassination attempts from partisans.
  • The Purge: Should the assassination attempt on the current president fail, then the opposing party will be implicated, purged and replaced with a new party.
  • Realpolitik: Despite both political parties being composed of nationalists who participated in the Albanian Revolution, largely to free the country from Austrian influence, Albania can still decide to join the Donau-Adriabund for the sake of protection against invasion from any Balkan neighbors.
  • The Usurper: Any president that comes to power following the assassination of the previous president will be seen as this, with Albania taking on a hefty hit to its political power gain and stability as a result.
  • We ARE Struggling Together: In 1924, conservatives and socialists joined forces to overthrow the regime of Prince Wilhelm zu Wied. Naturally, their alliance did not survive the fall of the principality.

Shefqet Vërlaci
Role: Presidentnote 
Party: Partia Përparimtarenote 
Ideology: Social Conservatism
One of the primary bankrollers of the Albanian Revolution of 1924 and the largest landowner in the country, Shefqet Vërlaci has held on to the position of President since the establishment of the republic. The electoral success of Vërlaci's Progressive Party, due in large part to his political acumen and riches, has allowed him to defend the interests of the Albanian aristocracy against frequent calls for land reform.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Shefqet Vërlaci uses his immense fortune to serve and benefit the Albanian aristocracy. As President of the country, he opposes the land reforms demanded by a majority of the population.
  • Evil Old Folks: The oldest of the playable Albanian leaders, Vërlaci's policies have the singular goal of preserving the power and wealth of him and his aristocratic allies, at the expense of the rights and wellbeing of the lower classes in the country.
  • Founder of the Kingdom: As one of the principal power players behind the 1924 Revolution and the country's President ever since, Vërlaci has exercised his influence in establishing several aspects of the republic's government. According to his bio, he's the reason for the legislature having a bicameral structure.
  • Historical Relationship Overhaul: In real life, Vërlaci had a very fractured relationship with King Zog after the latter broke off his engagement to the former's daughter. While the game does not comment on whether Zogu still gets betrothed to Vërlaci's daughter in this timeline, the fact that the two are as closely allied as they are at game start is an improvement on their historical relationship.
  • The Purge: Part of the Progressive Party's methods for maintaining the power of the aristocracy is to crackdown on opposition groups. While these efforts reduce the popularity of the Unity Party, it doesn't prevent them from contesting the next election.

Ahmet Zogu
Role: Prime Minister, Presidentnote  (Elections, Vërlaci assassinated or purged)
Party: Partia Republikanenote 
Ideology: Social Conservatism
Ahmet Zogu is the current Prime Minister of Albania and a close ally of Shefqet Vërlaci. Under normal conditions, he only serves a background role in the policies of the Progressive Party, though he can assume leadership of the social conservative faction should Vërlaci be assassinated or purged.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: As president, Ahmet Zogu retains the same reactionary and repressive policies as Vërlaci, defending the interest of the aristocratic class he's a part of.
  • Historical Downgrade: In real life, Zogu was the principal power player in Albanian politics in the 20s and 30s, leading the country as head of state from 1925 to 1939. In Kaiserreich, he's relegated to acting in a supporting role as Prime Minister, with only being able to be elected as president under rare circumstances.
  • In Spite of a Nail: By 1936 in real life, Ahmet Zogu had already reigned Albania as King Zog I for 8 years. In Kaiserreich, due to his contributions to Albanian independence, Ahmet Zogu is still an influential politician in this timeline, serving as Prime Minister under Shefqet Vërlaci much like how he did from 1922 to 1924 in OTL. Zogu can still become president, which he also did in OTL.
  • The Remnant: Should Shefqet Vërlaci be assassinated or purged, Zogu will set up the Republican Party to succeed the former's Progressive Party.
  • Taking Up the Mantle: Should Zogu replace Vërlaci as leader of the Albanian conservative faction, he will pursue the same agenda and policies in defending aristocratic interests.

Avni Rustemi
Role: Presidentnote  (Elections)
Party: Partia e Bashkiminote 
Ideology: Social Democracy, Radical Socialism (Socialist Bulgaria influence)

  • Internal Reformist: Rustemi and his party pursues the liberalization of Albania to make it a proper democracy.

Fan Noli
Role: Presidentnote  (Elections, Rustemi assassinated or purged)
Party: Partia Socialdemokrate e Shqipërisënote 
Ideology: Social Democracy, Radical Socialism (Socialist Bulgaria influence)

  • Internal Reformist: Noli, like Rustemi before him, will push to enfranchise the lower classes of Albania in opposition to the aristocrats.

Wilhelm zu Wied
Role: Kingnote  (Released by Austrian Empire)
Party: Haus Wied-Neuwiednote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy
Wilhelm zu Wied was crowned as Prince of a newly independent Albania prior to the Weltkrieg, only to be practically deposed once the global conflict spilled into the young nation. Although he was restored to the throne with backing of the Austrian Empire at the Peace With Honour, his collaborationist rule would be brought to an end five years later due to a nationalist conspiracy. While he plays no part in the Albanian political scene in 1936, Wied will be made King of Albania by the Austrian Empire should they conquer Albania.
  • 0% Approval Rating: Wilhelm zu Wied's pro-Austrian agenda was not subtle prior to the Albanian Revolution and it only becomes more blatant after they install him as king. Wied's government will abolish republican institutions and empower Catholics at the expense of the Muslim majority, angering the nationalists to the point that he will be subject to assassination attempts.
  • All There in the Manual: Most information about Wilhelm zu Wied is only available on the Wiki or in in-game events.
  • Foreign Ruling Class: Although he is the king of Albania, Wilhelm zu Wied is German.
  • Offered the Crown: How he originally came to hold power as Prince back before the Weltkrieg. Notably, Austria can do it once again should they conquer Albania, though they also upgrade his title to King.
  • Puppet King: It's only possible for Wilhelm zu Wied to regain the crown as an Austrian puppet. It's made quite obvious by his focus tree that Wied's government is to prioritize the interests of its Austrian backers.

Flag of Kingdom Of Greece 
Flag of the Hellenic Socialist Republic 
Official Name: Republic of Greece, Kingdom of Greece (Restoration), Hellenic Socialist Republic (Socialist)
Ruling Party: Néa Fileléftheri Énosinote 
Ideology: Social Liberalism
The years since Greece's loss in the Weltkrieg have seen little but upheaval and hardship. The loss of Macedonia to the Treaty of Salonika and crippling war debts to Austria and Germany sent King Alexander fleeing into exile as the Third Republic was declared... only to result in years of failed governments and coups until Georgios Kondylis took control in 1926 and declared himself the permanent Regent of Greece, even though its king remained in exile. Kondylis was finally overthrown and executed in 1931, leading to the Fourth Republic and the coalition government of Geórgios Papandreou which won its first election.
The new republic, which faces its next election in 1938, faces several challenges before then: most prominent is the simmering resentment towards the loss of Greek territory. Most are certain that war is coming again soon, with many groups such as the syndicalist rebels and the looming figure of Ioannis Metaxas waiting for the first moment the government makes the slightest misstep. Monarchist sentiment is also on the rise, with many demanding that another referendum be held soon to determine whether the kingdom should be restored... even if republicans fear that doing so would only plunge the nation into anarchy yet again.
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: Cheat on either side for the Greek referendum, and if you get caught then the consequences are either a military takeover that results in the restoration of the monarchy, or a Syndicalist rebellion.

Flag of the Republic of Bulgaria 
Flag of the Bulgarian National Legionary State 
Flag of the Bulgarian Socialist Republic 
Flag of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 
Flag of the Republic of Yugoslavia 
Official Name: Tsardom of Bulgaria
Kingdom: Third Bulgarian Empire
Zveno Yugoslavia: Kingdom of Yugoslavia (Monarchy), Republic of Yugoslavia (Republic)
Republic: Republic of Bulgaria
National Populist: Bulgarian National Legionary State
Socialist: Bulgarian Socialist Republic
Ruling Party: Second Liberal Concentration - Natsionalliberalna Partiya/Obedinena Narodno-progresivna Partiyanote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy
Bulgaria emerged from the Weltkrieg as one of the victors, and was awarded with all of the lands they wanted in the Balkans, thus the unification of "Greater Bulgaria" which had been the key goal of Bulgarian foreign policy ever since the Treaty of San-Stefano in 1878. However, the unification of Greater Bulgaria was the beginning of further troubles. Occupation of the new territories was costly, the country was severely in debt, and the political scene fractured.
The early 1920s saw a political dance between Vasil Radoslavov's National Liberals and numerous opposition parties - such as the Democrats, moderate Agrarians, and Broad Socialists. Though it was a continuation of the partisanstvo period from before the Weltkrieg, the traditional parties in the Sŭbranie were no longer certain of victory. In 1925, the British and Serbian revolutions emboldened local Agrarians and socialists in the Sŭbranie. In response, Crown Prince Boris encouraged his ageing father to put forward General Konstantin Georgiev, his favourite, as the new Prime Minister. Georgiev imposed martial law, restricted anti-royalist parties and passed the State Protection Act - an act which gave the government authoritarian powers in maintaining public order.
Democratic opposition in the Sŭbranie forced Georgiev to resign in 1928 before a full dictatorship could be imposed. While martial law was lifted and democracy returned, it was only in the shadow of the authoritarian Act. The so-called "People's Bloc" of Radical Democrats, Democrats and "Vrabcha" Agrarians fell after the Creditanstalt Crisis in 1933. In response, the National Liberals and the People's Progressives formed the Second Liberal Concentration, named after Vasil Radoslavov's Liberal coalition. Achieved with the backing of the Crown Prince, this coalition has a frail domestic and foreign policy. As 1936 begins, their delegated Prime Minister Petko Stainov must decide Bulgaria's future.
  • Hegemonic Empire: Should Bulgaria under a Royal Dictatorship defeat Serbia in the Fourth Balkan War within 150 days or less while at war with the Ottoman Empire and controling Constantinople, a Third Bulgarian Empire can be declared, heavily inspired by Byzantine aesthetics and with its own faction.
  • Western Terrorists: The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation (VMRO) is an ultranationalist, revolutionary terror group who long fought for a Bulgarian Macedonia. Following the Weltkrieg, the VMRO went inactive as their goal was achieved, but will be restored and declare war against Belgrade if Serbia reconquers Macedonia.

Ferdinand I
Role: Tsarnote 

  • Abdicate the Throne: If Bulgaria loses the Fourth Balkan War, Ferdinand abdicates so that his son Boris may run the country.
  • Reluctant Ruler: Ferdinand has practically retired from leadership, most of his duties are carried out by his son Crown Prince Boris.
  • Universally Beloved Leader: As the Tsar who lead to the establishment of Greater Bulgaria, Ferdinand is beloved by the people, and seen as a powerful symbol of Bulgarian identity.

Boris III
Role: Tsarnote  (Ferdinand I succession)
Party: Bezpartien rezhimnote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Democracy Is Bad: Boris is the main driving force behind the royal dictatorship that runs Bulgaria at the beginning of the game, believing that the best way for Bulgaria to be strong is to avoid political parties all together and unify under the Tsar.
  • Historical Villain Downgrade: Though historically, Boris allied with Nazi Germany and passed anti-Semitic laws against the Jewish population of Bulgaria, in Kaiserreich Boris is much less brutal.
  • The Man Behind the Man: For his father Ferdinand, who has mostly retired from running the country.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Boris saves the life of a Bulgarian citizen in an event early in the game, and also serves as a field marshal in the Bulgarian military.

Boris' Son

  • Heir Club for Men: Bulgarian succession laws disqualify women from inheriting, including Boris' daughter who was born in 1933. The birth of Boris' first son during 1937 assures the royal succession and is celebrated across the country.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Boris' son and future heir to the kingdom can bear various names, including Simeon (after Simeon the Great, the same name he bore in real life), Kyril (after his uncle), and Kubrat (after the founder of Turkic Old Great Bulgaria).

Kyril I
Role: Tsarnote  (Legionary coup, Monarchy restored)
Party: Bezpartien rezhimnote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Allohistorical Allusion: Should the Legion place him as a puppet Tsar, Kyril shares his historical fate of being a powerless puppet in a Bulgarian nationalist government.
  • Offered the Crown: Should Bulgaria conquer Albania, Kyril can be made King of Albania, leading it as a puppet monarchy within Bulgaria's sphere.
  • Puppet King: If the Legion are successful in their war with the Belgrade Pact, they can choose to restore the monarchy under Kyril, keeping him as a puppet monarch despite Boris' son and heir being alive.
  • Unexpected Successor: Should his brother and nephew both be assassinated, or should the Legion choose to restore the monarchy, Kyril will be named Tsar, despite being the second son of Ferdinand I and third in line of succession.

Kimon Georgiev
Role: General, Country Leader (Zveno coup, Republicans win power struggle or Royal Dictatorship Bulgaria loses Balkan War)
Party: Politicheski Krŭg "Zveno"note , Politicheski Krŭg "Obedinena Yugoslaviya"note  (Yugoslavia)
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • The Empire: The Zveno faction lead by Georgiev is capable of usurping the Serbian idea of Yugoslavia, creating a Bulgarian-run Yugoslav state with Bulgarian primacy and expansionist goals.
  • Internal Reformist: Georgiev leads the Zveno faction in reforming Bulgarian society, generally encouraging Bulgarian nationalism.
  • Military Coup: Georgiev leads the Zveno faction in the military that can coup the Bulgarian government should their Black Monday response prove inadequate.
  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: Georgiev is the most nationalistic of all of the initial leaders of Bulgaria, should he take charge, he can refuse foreign aid in the Balkan War and establish a Bulgaria-led Yugoslavia, a major power in its own right. If he encourages the radical faction of Zveno, he can depose and exile the royal family as a result of their German origin.

Ivan Dochev
Role: Country Leader (Zveno loses Balkan War, Legionary coup)
Party: Sŭyuz na Bŭlgarskite Natsionalni Legioninote 
Ideology: National Populism

  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Dochev leads the radical Legion faction of Zveno, which can seize control should a Zveno-run Bulgaria lose the Fourth Balkan War. As a National Populist, he encourages rabid nationalism inspired by the Iron Guard in Romania.
  • Timed Mission: Dochev must re-enter a war with the Belgrade Pact before Serbia defeats the IMRO. If he doesn't invade in time, then he is overthrown and the royal family is restored to power.

Aleksandar Stamboliyski
Role: Country Leader (Constitutional monarchy loses Balkan War, Orange Guard counter-coup)
Party: Bŭlgarski Zemedelski Naroden Sŭyuz "Obedinen"note 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • The Alliance: Should royalist resistance be dealt with, Stamboliyski's new republic can reconcile with the Belgrade Pact and even join them against Austria.
  • Emergency Authority: The Agrarians seize control to protect the country from royalist and socialist terrorism, seizing dictatorial control. By the end of their focus tree, the Agrarians have restored a symbolic democratic opposition, but they retain total power through election rigging and gerrymandering.
  • The City vs. the Country: Firmly on the side of the country. The fittingly named Agrarian Party encourages rural land reform and looks down on big cities and those who dwell within them.

Georgi Dimitrov
Role: Chairmannote  (Constitutional monarchy loses Balkan War, Dimitrov consolidates control over Fatherland Front)
Party: Bŭlgarska Rabotnicheska Sotsialdemokraticheska Partiya - Tesni sotsialistinote ), Bŭlgarska Komunisticheska Partiyanote  (Consolidation of the Fatherland Front)
Ideology: Radical Socialism

  • The Remnant: Dimitrov is one of the few Bolshevik-style Communists left in the world after the defeat of the Soviet Union.
