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Characters / Crimson and Emerald: Villains

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     Other Villains 


  • Irony: Due to Hawks' defeat of him, Hawks finally has the position and the connections to clean up the corrupt Heroics industry that Stain despised.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He only shows up for one chapter, but the impact of his fight with the Hosu Quartet and Hawks ends up flipping many status quos on their heads.
  • Spanner in the Works: Stain unintentionally upends many plans.
  • Villain Respect: Genuinely respects Hawks for his heroism and his protectiveness of the Yuuei students. He specifically calls Hawks, All Might and Izuku true heroes in his "The Reason You Suck" Speech.

     League of Villains 

All for One/Midoriya Hisashi nee Ishikawa

  • Big Bad Friend: Hisashi Midoriya nee Ishikawa. Absentee husband and father and major supervillain.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Hisashi adores his family and would do anything to help them or put things in their favor. It goes so far that just being family is reason enough to extend his affection, even if they or he weren't aware of it prior. Mind you he's measured about it as he decides his less than stellar in-laws have earned his personal focus.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even Hisashi/All for One thought Endeavor was bad news and wanted to take him down on his wife’s behalf.
  • Glorified Sperm Donor: Considering his absence for most of Izuku’s life and mostly negative impact, Hisashi is largely seen as one. It's even Izuku's pet name for him!
  • Married to the Job: Hisashi is too busy with his job to see his wife and child much to Inko’s frustration. She’s angry when she finds out said job is supervillainy.
  • Moral Myopia: All for One didn't give two shits about Kiyome and Keigo until he found out that they were his in-laws. Then he become violently protective of them.
  • Mysterious Watcher: All for One watches over his family, the Aery and Mighty Tower in order to track their movements and actions at all times. Thankfully for the latter two, he decided not go after them since they help forward the goals of All for One's family.
  • Orcus on His Throne: All Hisashi has been doing is watching the various Hero factions from the shadows.
  • Percussive Pickpocket: Hisashi stole Inko’s wallet to get her number when she crashed into him. He manages to get a date out of it.
  • Relative Button: if someone lays their hands on AFO’s Family or in-laws, then said someone is in very grave trouble.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Played for Drama with Hisashi who has the Midoriya house bugged so he can watch his beloved wife’s movements at all times.
  • Stalker without a Crush: Hisashi’s personal motive for having Hawks’ agency watched so he could learn more about his nephew.
  • Tame His Anger: Hisashi buries his Instinctive anger toward the Commission and the Takami parents because he knows if he acts on his anger without thinking he will do something stupid and impulsive like he did with All Might. Hisashi decides to forward his plans carefully and pay his naughty in-laws a visit....
  • Thicker Than Water: Once Hisashi finds out that Hawks is his nephew due through his beloved Inko's family, he does what he can to find out everything to find out about Hawks and push things into Hawks' favor.

Dabi/Todoroki Touya

  • All Men Are Perverts: Dabi hopes to get laid by Hawks despite that it would expose the League of Villains' activity.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Dabi appreciates that despite losing her career trying to help him and his family, Inko still tried again to help. He's happy that his siblings and his mother are finally free from Endeavor.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Dabi still views himself as needing to protect his siblings no matter what. He may be a villain now, Fuyumi may be dating a Top Ten hero and Shoto may be a proto-hero, but he's still protective of them.
  • Celebrity Crush: Dabi gains one on Hawks for one-uping his old man Endeavor and for being a true hero like Stain preaches about.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Touya Todoroki. His siblings mourn him and think on his passing. Whatever happened to him was so traumatizing that Rei blocked it out. His abuse at Endeavor's hands caused Inko to turn on Endeavor and got her ousted when she attempted to report it. His role as Dabi and role as Greek Chorus to Endeavor's fall from number two hints at bigger things to come.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Dabi makes snide remarks at Wolfram's astounding stupidity.
  • Glamour: Dabi uses an image inductor to investigate I-Island on behalf of the League of Villains without the problems of his rather distinct true appearance.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Dabi is ecstatic that his family is finally protected and free from Endeavor. That being said, Dabi decides to solidifies his loyalty to the League to protect his family in the rather justified fear that Hawks would fail to protect them.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Dabi is a Serial Killer and a terrorist planning to attack hero students, but even he’s disturbed at Muscular’s relish over the thought of killing defenseless children. He wishes that Muscular gets turned into Noumu fodder.
  • Faking the Dead: With their obvious grief and clear mourning of Touya, its clear that the Todoroki siblings believe their elder brother is dead. Dabi says otherwise.
  • Greek Chorus: Dabi acts as outside commentator to Hawks' rise in the ranks and Endeavor's subsequent fall.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Dabi immediately drowns his frustration over Wolfram's stupidity in booze when he returns to the League of Villain headquarters.
  • The Lost Lenore: Touya’s apparent death destroyed his siblings. None of them are over his death and when their fortunes turn, they wish he was still alive for him to see it.
  • Patricide: One of Dabi’s long term goals.
  • Properly Paranoid: Dabi is convinced that Hawks wouldn’t be able to fully protect Dabi’s family. While cynical, Dabi has good reason to believe so due how he and Hawks were screwed over by the Commission.
  • Stalker without a Crush: Dabi likes to read the intelligence reports on the Midoriyas out of gratitude toward Inko's efforts to save his family from Endeavor's abuse. He likes to watch over her and her family.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Dabi is infuriated at having his command usurped by the total idiot that is Wolfram and all his underlings follow Wolfram's stupid plan instead of following the original plan.
  • That Man Is Dead: Dabi never calls himself Touya. As far as he's concerned, Touya died in the quirk accident, there's only Dabi now.
  • Villainous Crush: Due to Hawks being what his idol, Stain, calls a true hero as well as humiliating his hated father, the villainous Dabi develops a huge crush on Hawks. He takes time out of his given mission, risking a whole lot to seduce Hawks, given the heroes present on I Island being on high alert for villain activity.
  • Villain Respect: Dabi appreciates that Hawks, who has his hero Stain's approval, has finally one-upped Endeavor.
  • The Watcher: Dabi’s self-appointed role in the League of Villains is to catalog all the surveillance for the various hero agencies the League has spies or cameras on. He doesn’t act at all until he’s given a reason to.

Shiragaki Tomura

  • And Then What?: Shiragaki finds out Sensei's true identity and his secret familial connections. And he has no idea what he's actually going to do with that information.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Tomura is fed up that he doesn't know what’s going on and attempts to change that.
  • Spotting the Thread: When Tomura starts looking over the League’s intelligence reports, he quickly realizes something is amiss. Tomura realizes All for One has been watching the Midoriya family as long as Izuku been alive and the dad is out of the picture with no picture in his profile.


  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Wolfram's motive is to rise up the ranks to win All for One's favor and become the man's successor whereas in the movie Wolfram was hired by All for One to screw with All Might.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Wolfram seeks to gain All For One’s favor and become the man’s successor, especially if it means that he gets to screw Dabi over.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Wolfram takes the time to boast while having the heroes at his mercy while kidnapping Shields and Abrahams. Which only enrages the heroes.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Wolfram fully believed that with his two quirks and the amplifier, he could take on three of the World's Strongest Heroes. When he already lost all his backup to the interns. After he thoroughly alienated Dabi, the only other villain strong enough. Wolfram gets his ass handed to him.
  • Driven by Envy: Wolfram resents that All for One put Dabi in charge of the I-Island mission and obviously favors the latter. Wolfram resents that he has to listen to someone younger but higher ranking than him. Which leads him to disregard Dabi's orders to do what he thinks needs to be done.
  • Experience Entitlement: Wolfram believes that his longer villain career gives him the skill and means to ignore the younger Dabi’s plans despite the younger man being put in charge and the latter poking the obvious holes in Wolfram’s plans.
  • It's All About Me: Despite being explicitly warned to not harm Dabi with the threat of his quirks being taken if he does, Wolfram ignores all warnings to focus on his own gratification - choosing to believe that his victory would smooth over any issue that All for One would have with his disobedience.
  • Missing Steps Plan: Wolfram's plan is steal the amplifier, kidnap the scientists, use the island's own security system on the heroes, and backstab Dabi and Tomura - which will somehow win All for One's favor. However, Wolfram was explicitly told to not harm Dabi, and Dabi himself pokes holes in Wolfram’s plan to get the amplifier.
  • The Resenter: Wolfram resents having to play second fiddle to a younger and more favored villain.
  • The Starscream: Wolfram was placed as Dabi's second with explicit orders from All for One to keep the latter safe and not hurt nor kill him. Despite that, Wolfram resents having to take orders from a younger villain that he immediately disregards Dabi's orders and plans to backstab both Dabi and Tomura.
