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Characters / Black Mirror: Demon 79

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Tropes that apply to the characters. Spoilers are unmarked:

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Main Duo

     Tropes that apply to both 
  • Birds of a Feather: Both can relate to being the Butt Monkeys of their respective societies (Nida for being a lone immigrant in an incredibly racist and sexist period, and Gaap being the Butt-Monkey to other demons) and both still trying to fulfill their moral duties to each realm.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Gaap in both of his forms is very tall (which isn't helped by his platform shoes) while Nida is very short and only comes up to his chest in height.
  • Light Is Not Good: Nida constantly wears pale neutrals and pinks, and Gaap in his Boney M form wears all white with fuzzy shoulder pads that are almost reminiscent of angel wings. Despite this, while not evil, Nida is still a murderer and Gaap is a demon.

     Nida Huq 

  • Berserk Button: Absolutely loses it in the end, willing to kill Micheal Smart without a second thought. Even before that, it was shown she had daydreams of killing Keith and Vicky.
  • Butt-Monkey: Nida is constantly faced with microaggressions from her asshole coworkers, is constantly given shocked or dirty looks by others, and lives in a dingy, single-bedroom apartment after her mother's death. It's no wonder she's fine with leaving the world behind in the end.
  • Character Development: Nida starts off the episode as meek, polite, passive, and an Actual Pacifist. By the episode's end, she's become active in her murders and has let out her hidden anger and frustration.
  • The Corruptible: While Nida is a good person, she has a darker side in her, as she often imagines herself killing bad people, like Keith, or people that mistreat her, like Vicky. Gaap points out that she was only able to summon him in the first place because she's this. If she was incorruptible, her touching the talisman wouldn’t have done anything.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Shown to completely disdain and show no qualms about killing Micheal Smart once finding out what he has plans to do once elected.
  • Imagine Spot: Has two before she summons Gaap, one of her strangling Keith, and other of her smashing Vicky's head against the store's balcon. They end up serving as a hint that, while Nida may be a good person, she has a darker side to her.
  • It's Personal: Nida provides a deconstruction of this trope. When she has to choose her third victim, she becomes so dead set on killing Michael that she ends up ignoring Gaap's advice of choosing an easier target, like her boss, her co-worker Vicky, or Len Fisher. By the end, Len Fisher prevents her from killing Michael Smart, and little after midnight, a nuclear war starts.
  • Missing Mom: Her mother died at some point before the events of the episode and that still weights on her.
  • Nice Girl: Nida is genuinely pleasant and polite, and aside from her brief moments of internal rage at the microaggressions she deals with, she genuinely doesn't believe in murder, doesn't drink, and is completely calm and sweet. At first.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Shows to deeply be horrified by murdering Tim, Keith and his brother.
  • Not So Above It All: She starts off the story being completely against murdering people, even if they aren't very good, but ends the story specifically gunning for Michael Smart when she realizes what evil he will create.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: Nida spends most of her appearance wearing dull pinks, beiges, browns and whites. When she fully commits to murdering Michael Smart, she dons a bright red jacket symbolic of her newfound vendetta (and also the color of blood).


  • Affably Evil: While a demon who is very quick to suggest murder, he never loses his charm and politeness to Nida.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Gaap acknowledges that his horned, monstrous demonic form is probably too much for the human Nida, so he turns into a human man dressed like Bobby Farrell from Boney M.
  • Butt-Monkey: Downplayed and implied, given how the demon realm treats his task. Not only was Gaap given an insanely difficult initiation with absurdly high stakes (get a pacifistic woman to murder three people daily under specific conditions or else the world will end and he'll suffer eternal loneliness) but when he calls them for assistance, they refuse to make any exceptions for his situation despite Nida technically fulfilling the obligations of the assignment, as she did actually kill three people within three days, its just that murderers do not count for some reason. Looking back, his initiation seemed doomed to fail from the start, however, he makes the best of it and even when he fails, shows no anger or sadness in it.
  • Commonality Connection: Turns out to have this with Nida. Both can relate to being shoved aside from the rest of their respective societies (Nida for being a lone immigrant in an incredibly racist and sexist period, and Gaap being the Butt-Monkey to other demons) and both still trying to fulfill their moral duties to each realm. By the end, they both fail, but are fine being casted out into the void as long as they have each other.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Clearly shows not to like Micheal’s potential actions, unlike his bosses.
  • Graceful Loser: Shows to take his fate of being casted out with stride, as he found a way to take Nida with him so the two can spend the rest of eternity together.
  • Loophole Abuse: Manages to find one when he and Nida fail in their goal in order to take her to purgatory with him.
  • Noble Demon: Gaap is a demon who's perfectly okay with murder, and is only really on Earth to fulfill his initiation rather than any care for humanity. However, his ultimate goal is to save humanity, he tries to explicitly get Nida to murder people who are Asshole Victims (though more to make it easier for her to kill people than for any higher altruism) and develops a genuine friendship with Nida.
  • Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: The story sets him up as somebody who's trying to manipulate Nida into committing murder to complete some kind of hidden agenda of his, as well as lying to her. Turns out he was telling the truth all along; that he was being earnest when explaining the three day countdown of sacrificing three people as well as informing her of people's true nature. Upon failing his initiation, he even offers her to spend eternity with him without any ill will whatsoever. Of course, this trope mostly extends to Nida; when it comes to who has to get killed for humanity to be saved, it doesn't matter to him whether the victims are good or bad.

Other Characters

     Micheal Smart 

  • Absolute Xenophobe: He's actively racist towards immigrants, and Nida's visions imply that his dogma may reach other groups as well.
  • Asshole Victim: Presumably dies as a result of the nuclear war that starts at the end of the episode, but if that was the case, it was totally deserved.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: Revealed by Gaap to have killed a dog when he was 12.
  • Big Bad: Ultimately serves as this, being the main threat and Nida’s last and most personal victim.
  • Domestic Abuse: Revealed by Gaap to beat his wife in private.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He appears well-spoken, polite, and charming, but his rhetoric is racist and dogmatic, and given Nida's visions, he'll bring the world to ruin with his agenda.
  • Hate Sink: Shown to be a violent racist whose actions will eventually cause massive damage to society and the UK.
  • President Evil: His ultimate dream is to become Prime Minister of the UK and effectively go on a xenophobic war against immigrants and other groups deemed enemies of the British people.
  • Respected by the Respected: Apparently is respected by The Devils in hell for what he’s going to do, to the point of being upset if Nida kills him.
  • Trumplica: He's a British version and is a little bit smoother around the edges than other examples, but he's very clearly meant to invoke this kind of type in his way of appealing to voters.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Michael really is every bit as much of a white supremacist as the National Front. He is just smart enough to know that being openly racist is considered uncivilized, so he uses center-right talking points instead.

     Detective Len Fisher 

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Fisher is arguably the only person in the story to treat Nida with any respect aside from Gaap, and his only intentions are to stop her string of murders.
  • Hero Antagonist: Fisher is not a bad person, and is really just trying to stop Nida's killings because he has no context for the greater cosmic reason she's committing them.
  • Married to the Job: A dedicated police officer that goes after suspects way after working hours, while Gaap mentions he has no family of any kind and nobody to miss him if he's gone.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: He convinces Nida that she doesn't need to kill Smart, and does so with the intention of appealing to her humanity. Sadly, this inadvertently results in The End of the World as We Know It.

     Keith Williams 

  • Asshole Victim: He's a creepy guy who leers at Nida and killed his wife in a rage, so it's hard to feel bad for him when he gets bludgeoned with a hammer.
  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to his brother Chris. Gaap says that, while Keith was a creepy murderer and a drunk, Chris was entirely mundane.
  • Dirty Old Man: He's at least a few decades older than Nida, but openly hits on her and acts inappropriately.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When he realizes Nida is going to kill him, he sits quietly and faces her having known that something like this would happen eventually, which makes the act much harder to do.
  • Gonk: He's pretty disgusting looking and pretty blatantly creepy.
  • Hidden Depths: He mentions feeling guilty about murdering his wife, although, how much of this is genuine isn't super clear; whether it truly was an accident or he merely saw her with the same false affection that a domestic abuser would is never specified.


  • Alpha Bitch: Vicky takes credit for Nida's work, insults her, and makes racist remarks at Nida's expense.
  • Asshole Victim: Presumably dies as a result of the nuclear armagedon in the end, but it's not like she didn't deserve it.
  • Old Maid: According to Gaap, had the nuclear apocalipse been prevented, this was going to be her fate.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: She's Nida's Weasel Co-Worker, a jerkass overall, and is openly racist, saying racist remarks within Nida's earshot and with intentions of voting for the National Front.
  • Weasel Co-Worker: Vicky makes Nida do all of the real work, but will gladly turn up the charm and take credit for it.

     Tim Simmons 

  • Asshole Victim: Invoked by Gaap, who has Nida kill him because of how despicable he is.
  • Hate Sink: Despite appearing in only one scene, he is a degenerate who raped his daughter many times, which would have led her to commit suicide later on in life.
  • Parental Incest: He did this to his daughter. Nida has little guilt about killing him even though she still feels horrified with herself for actually going through with it.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Raped his own daughter for presumably years.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Despite only appearing in one scene, his death sparks the beginning of the human sacrifices and starts the police investigations.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: The person who raped his own daughter turns out to be a completely average person.
