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Awesome / The Emerald Phoenix

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    Entrance Exam 
  • Izuku not only destroys the zero point robot, but his attack also carves a canyon in the school grounds. Furthermore, due to his actions throughout the exam (both destroying robots and helping other applicants), Izuku manages to both earn the highest score and break the record for the exam, which had been previously held by All Might.

    The USJ Attack 

  • When his attacks prove worthless against Blazing-chan, Inasa creates an entirely new move that works similar to Kuma's Ursa Shock to not only defeat her, but also extinguish every fire within dozens of meters.
  • When a villain nearly defeats Reiko at the USJ, Kendo, in a burst of rage, hits him with a fist over seven times the size of her entire body, pushing her quirk much further than ever before.
  • Kendo uses the Material Mimicry villain as a bat to beat the hell out of Kanga-chan.
  • Despite having barely survived his Cold-Blooded Torture, Aoyama uses his Quirk to save both Tokoyami and Kuroiro from a villain with a light Quirk.
  • After being saved from Boarus, Kinoko quickly makes short work of every other villain in the Downpour Zone.
  • Out of platforms and too far to reach the boat in the Flood Zone, Kaminari decides to pull a Heroic Sacrifice by diving into the lake and frying all the villains. Luckily, Manga gets his Quirk working again and manages to save him.
  • Using the boat in the Flood Zone, Kaminari supercharges himself and promptly fries every villain in the lake.
  • Kirishima manages to activate his Unbreakable form at the USJ, three seasons earlier than canon, to defeat a Tubalcain Alhambra expy.
  • When facing a Konan expy, Sero and Tetsutetsu use a Combination Attack with Sero's tape to launch Tetsutetsu at high speeds right into the villain's face, breaking her jaw.
  • When facing the USJ Noumu, Mina, Momo, and Izuku all take their quirks much further than they ever have in order to protect their friends.
    • Mina breaks out her most powerful acid, which quickly overwhelms the Noumu's Healing Factor. Sadly, her acid runs out before its healing does.
    • Momo creates a minigun and fires upon Shigaraki, knowing the Noumu will jump in to protect it. When armor piercing and explosive rounds fail to do the job, she switches to a flamethrower and douses the Noumu in napalm.
    • When the Noumu survives that, Izuku's snapped out of his Freak Out by Ochako's scream for help. He psychically launches the Noumu away from his friends and slices it to pieces. Once he realizes that's ineffective, Izuku traps it in a sphere of water and has Momo create a block of C4, which he tosses inside and detonates, reducing the Noumu to Ludicrous Gibs.
    • After the Noumu heals from that, Izuku brings out Inferno Overdrive, combining his telekinesis and healing flames to incinerate the Noumu until there's literally nothing left.
  • While attacking (read: brutalizing) Shigaraki at the USJ, Izuku manages to No-Sell his Decay quirk by creating a psychic barrier around his body, keeping Shigaraki from touching him.
  • Despite his arm being burnt black from his Dangerous Forbidden Technique, Izuku raises it into a fist and gives a Declaration of Protection that has every villain present, minus Shigaraki and Kurogiri, running away in sheer terror.
    '"You won't touch them," he rasped. ... "You won't harm any of them." All the villains but Kurogiri and Shigaraki started to cry in terror as Izuku clenched his dead hand into a fist. Somehow. Raising it in challenge, "BECAUSE I AM HERE.'
    • This is enough to trigger Shigaraki into a full Villainous Breakdown as he insists that Izuku has to die before he can inspire a new generation as All-Might had.
    • For all their flaws and rivalries, Todoroki and Bakugo pull an impeccable Big Damn Heroes to save Izuku and force Shigaraki to retreat.

    Post USJ 

  • Izuku attends rescue training with only one arm and a Quirk he's not allowed (or able) to use. He still ends up getting some of the best scores out of his entire class.
  • Unlike canon Izuku, Momo figures out "Full Cowling" almost instantly. When she shatters her arm, she refuses All Might's offer to take back his Quirk and instead learns how to use a safe percentage of One for All in only a few seconds. Then she tests Izuku's theory and creates a staff using One for All as fuel.
  • Like Mirio did in canon, Nejire takes on all of class 1-A at once, easily overwhelming powerhouses like Todoroki and Bakugo. Unlike canon, some of the class win by landing hits on her, such as Kyoka's sonic attack.
  • Izuku and Momo have been banned from teaming up during heroics classes if they draw each other during random lots. Thirteen and All Might tell them they will have to reroll in the future because of how overwhelming a combo they are. Let's repeat that. After not even two months as classmates, the two work so well together and are so powerful individually that they have been banned from working together during training exercises to give their opponents a chance.


  • During the Villain Attack challenge on I-Island, Momo beats Todoroki's record (12 seconds versus his fifteen seconds) and uses a bow with a fifteen-hundred kilogram draw weight. Then Izuku and Nejire each blow Momo's record out of the water, tying at five seconds.
  • Izuku and Inasa call Todoroki out for his attitude and it actually sticks. Prior to this, Todoroki had all but completely ignored all other attempts or rationalized himself out of the realization he needed. What Inasa and Izuku lay on him is so poignant that he quite simply can't just continue ignoring it.
  • Round 1 of the students' counter-attack to fight the villains invading I-Island.
    • Melissa gets the girls prototypes of their future suits. She also gets a suit for herself, one powerful enough that she can easily keep up with the others.
    • The fight with Nobu and Daigo gets cut short when Flect Turn, Beros, and Leviathan show up in an attempt to hijack Wolfram's plot.
    • Izuku uses his telepathy and quickly rips all the information out of Beros' mind.
    • Flect Turn tries to kill the students, but Izuku manages to create a psychic shield after being inspired by Melissa's shields.

  • Battle of the Botanic Gardens
    • When Nejire gets hurt stopping Leviathan's spikes, Kaminari snaps and hits Leviathan hard enough with his club to send him flying.
    • Beros tries to fire her arrows at the teens, but Inasa uses his wind to mess with the attack, allowing them to dodge the attack. Yui grabs one of the arrows, breaks it, and throws it at Beros - who is forced to dodge when Yui enlarges the arrowhead.
    • Nejire sends Izuku, Momo, Melissa, Kinoko, and Yui ahead. When Flect Turn tries to fire his lasers at them, Izuku parries them away with his sword mid-flight.
    • Nejire finds a chink on Flect Turn by destroying the support items he uses.
    • Honenuki uses his Quirk to turn the ground under the robots into liquid, and begins to swim in it to directly attack them without getting hit himself.
    • Kaminari takes the fight straight to the bots, shocking and crushing them in droves all on his own. When the bots manage to restrain him with their cables, he drains their batteries and then suddenly reverses the flow, frying them all. All to the tune of The Immigrant Song.
    • Mina and Setsuna tag-team to fight Beros, who ends up taking Trigger just so she can try to keep up with them. Mina answers by debuting her Acidman super-move, which is formed by such caustic acid that Beros' improved arrows instantly melt. Setsuna uses this distraction to immobilize the villain and kick her in the stomach, setting her up for Mina's Megaton Punch.
    • Seeing that Leviathan's Quirk is similar to Kaibara, Nirengeki manages to punch the villain's scythes so he will return them into place - and activates Twin Impact, causing the scythes to get driven into the villain's own body. Camie then takes advantage of this to affect Leviathan with her Quirk and trick him into attacking Flect Turn, destroying more of the latter's focusers and getting hit by the reflected attack, allowing Itsuka to punch him into the air - setting him up for Kaminari to bring down his club and electrocute him into unconsciousness.
    • Camie uses Glamour with great effectivity against Flect Turn, keeping him from hitting her friends as Kaminari and Nejire finally destroy the last of his focusers. Then Todoroki finally begins to use his fire side, and the teens use a combined attack to finally overwhelm Humarise's leader's Quirk and knock him out.
  • The forward team moving to secure the control room:
    • The forward team finds itself beset by multiple security robots. Kinoko gets grabbed by Izuku's telekinesis and flies above the robots, stopping them all almost instantly with her mushrooms.
    • When they reach the server room, they are attacked again by security bots, and they cannot unleash too powerful attacks for fear of breaking something. After confirming where's safe to hit, Momo creates an automatic anti-tank rifle, wields it as if it weighed nothing, and goes to town with the bots.
    • When Melissa realizes they can't waste more time with the bots, Yui makes an inventive use of her Quirk to transform the ground into a wave of metal that crushes the bots and closes the gates they were using.
    • Izuku opens up a way up several floors in one go, only to get stuck fighting Wolfram's minions. Yui quickly transforms the ground to crush all the gunmen in one go.
    • When more robots come, Izuku and Melissa go ahead to stop the villains while Momo, Kinoko, and Yui deal with the bots. Momo activates her costume's full upgrades and increases One for All to fifteen percent to personally wipe out dozens upon dozens of bots.
    • Izuku gets hit by one of Swordkil's explosives, knocking him out. Melissa manages to defend him and herself from Swordkil, even after he shoots her in the foot, and then crushes him against a wall, knocking him out.
    • Izuku and Melissa finally reach David and Sam, and Izuku discovers how Sam was the mole. When Wolfram shows up, Izuku uses his sword to deflect the bullets shot at him, while Melissa protects her father with her shield, ready for the fight with the Arc Villain.
    • Wolfram tries to bury the heroes in metal. Izuku counters by using his telekinesis to stop the metal while still deflecting bullets, before he destroys the firing guns. He then stops all of Wolfram's subsequent attacks, and then fires a Force Push that rips through the metal wall Wolfram rises hard enough to hit the villain with the wall.
    • Melissa fights through all the obstacles and villains attempting to stop her and manages to reboot the system, disabling the security and freeing all the heroes.
  • Final Battle:
    • Wolfram manages to take David hostage and put on the Quirk-boosting device, and seemingly manages to crush Izuku. Melissa shoots at Wolfram to either destroy the device or kill him, but Wolfram stops the bullet and tries to kill Melissa, only for Izuku to show up and pull out all the stops, using his sword to rip apart everything Wolfram is throwing at them before turning his telekinesis against Wolfram himself, trying to rip him out of his giant metal armor. Even with his empowered Quirk, Wolfram can barely just keep Izuku from ripping him apart.
    • Momo shows up, and Izuku pinpoints where Wolfram is keeping David. With an amazing coordinated strike, Izuku rips apart the armor and Momo slices off the cables tying the man, freeing him.
    • Wolfram tries again to kill them, but the trio blocks his every attack, and their friends show up just in time: Honenuki turns everything Wolfram was using into liquid, Itsuka and Setsuna punch all the flying metal away, and Yui creates a tsunami that hits Wolfram hard, allowing Izuku and Momo to slice off Wolfram's armor's arms.
    • Wolfram crunches all the metal into a huge cube, and shoots it fast enough that it breaks the speed of sound, trying to destroy I-Island. Izuku stops it cold in one go and throws the cube away.
    • With Wolfram completely gone out of his mind, Izuku and Momo jump at the villain and get through his armor, punching him in the gut and finally defeating him.
    • It seems like Wolfram can come back... but All Might finally arrives and quickly dispatches him, crushing the Quirk-boosting device in one hand, and putting an end to his attack. He praises his students for what they have achieved, declaring that soon he will be able to retire, confident the likes of them will have things well in hand.
    The Sports Festival 
  • When Izuku gives the speech at the beginning, he tells the villains that attacked them at the USJ that they had their shot in a blazing speech... and crowns it by regenerating his arm in one go.
  • After taking a Groin Attack during the obstacle race, Yui promptly uses her quirk to rapidly grow and shrink different parts of the tunnel to crush all the punching pistons within it.
  • Izuku winning the obstacle race.
