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Reviews VideoGame / Sonic Colors

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TrustyGun Since: Jul, 2011
01/14/2012 06:28:16 •••

Sonic Colors

Sonic Colors was annoucned suddenly after Sonic 4:Episode One and since that game was looking to be a diaster, everyone was hyped. With the introduction of wisps, aliens that could give Sonic Powers. This game was releashed in 2010, and everyone bought it. But did it worked up to everyones expections? Well, lets find out.

Gameplay: 3/5

The gameplay was a step up from Sonic Unleashed- No werehog in sight, and more platforming added in. But some people, including me, thought too much platforming was added. Honestly, Sonic should not be completly platformed based, but not completly speed-based either. Also, while on the topic of platforming, I would like to add that the majority of the game is 2D, and thus, much much more platforming. Sonic has been given a double jump too, but it's useless, and is only used for stuff like changing Sonic's Trajetory. Gameplay gets a 3/5.

Story: 5/5

The story is as simple as you can get- Eggman captures Aliens, and uses them to create a mind control ray, Sonic Saves Day. The Simplicty reminds me of the oringal Sega Genesis games' story of "Eggman captures Animals, turns them into robots to aid him in his schemes, Sonic Saves Day"

Graphics/Sound: 5/5

This game is on the wii, so you may be thinking "This game will be just like Sonic Unleashed Wii!" Well, you are wrong.The engine is the Hedgehog Engine from the HD veriosn of Sonic Unleashed, so of course, the graphics will be awesome. Sound, once again like graphics, are awesome. The tunes you listen to can be in your head a long time.

Overal: 4.5/5

This game, is a good game.With somewhat average gameplay, simple story, and awe-inducing grapics, what is there not to like? Sadly, HD users will have to buy a Wii or 3DS to play this masterpiece. This game gets a 4.5/5 score. 2D platforming may be awesome, but not too much next time, okay? I recomened this for casual players.

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