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xSOULFIRE Since: Jun, 2010
11/14/2014 16:14:06 •••

I Wanted A Different Protagonist!

I read Twilight after hearing on how it was a beautiful book from my librarian and friends. I wasn't so focused on the (read: horrible) romance between Edward and Bella. Love At First Sight usually doesn't annoy me too much (like Disney), but this was just... Um. I can't really say it well, but I'll try. Being attracted to mere scents and looks isn't good for me. The supernatural part... I don't know where to start. I tried not to get the supernatural parts of the book get to me. I pretended they were humans the whole time. Still, I find myself wishing for something.

I wanted a different protagonist.

I kept thinking to myself, "Hey, what's Charlie thinking right now? Is he just drinking beer and watching sports again? I want to know what he's thinking about Bella! How and why did Charlie and Bella's mom get divorced?" Something about Charlie seemed mysterious and vague to me, which kept me curious. Then I read about Alice Cullen. I absolutely loved this character. Something about her energetic personality and love of clothes makes me root for her characterization! Just these two traits, and she's more interesting then the Official Couple! Heck, I found Esme and Carlisle to be a cuter couple than Edward and Bella! Maybe it's because they love each other and their power is compassion. Or maybe it's because Carlisle saved Esme from having no purpose to live.

Regardless, I wanted someone else to be the protagonist instead. Anyone that wasn't Bella or Edward. I could imagine the story on how Esme and Carlisle met and married each other. I really can't imagine someone's attraction to scent to become a couple. Instead of Edward/Bella merchandise, I see Alice/Jasper instead. Really, if Stephanie wrote with a different protagonist instead, I'll be grateful.

LostHero Since: Mar, 2010
05/05/2011 00:00:00

Indeed, one of the fundamental flaws with the book is its choice of protagonist. Literally everyone else in the book has a more interesting backstory that goes to waste on twu wuv. It saddens me.

PeopleRstupid Since: Dec, 1969
05/06/2011 00:00:00

I agree with this review.

TheNightShadow5 Since: Sep, 2010
06/06/2011 00:00:00

It wouldn't be so bad if Bella and Edward weren't so. . . boring. They have no substance beyond their(rather shallow)devotion to each other. It's sad, and a sigh of poor writing ability, when the secondary characters are more engaging then the main protagonists.

YemiHikari Since: Oct, 2012
06/06/2011 00:00:00

The reason that Meyer didn't write a different character is unfortunatly because Bella=Meyer...

Kereea Since: Dec, 2010
09/21/2011 00:00:00

You too? My god I wanted more Charlie, and Bella's attitude to him at the end of New Moon (and, okay, everywhere else) was a big reason I stopped reading. I agreed with "the Distressed Watcher" who reviewed to movies. I wanted Charlie's story. That might have worked.

terlwyth Since: Oct, 2010
11/04/2011 00:00:00

I wanted Carlisle,Charlie lost my interest after Eclipse and the whole "Good on you son" crap.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
ManwiththePlan Since: Dec, 2009
11/05/2011 00:00:00

I wanted more Charlie, Carlisle/Esme, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie, and Leah! And Jacob was sometimes cool too.

Frankiefoster Since: Jul, 2011
11/05/2011 00:00:00

I wanted Alice. Or Jasper. Or hell, one of the damn Volturi...not Edward and Bella littered throughout the book.

hga27 Since: Dec, 1969
04/07/2012 00:00:00

I know exactly what you mean. Bella is literally the worst character, and if it was narrated by anyone else, the series would actually be pretty good. Well, aside from Edward, because he sucks too.

troacctid Since: Apr, 2010
04/08/2012 00:00:00

If it were narrated by anyone else, the new narrator would turn into Bella. Did you read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner? You'd see what I mean.

Rhymes with "Protracted."
Joyce Since: Apr, 2009
05/10/2012 00:00:00

Then why don't you write that story? Seriously, other people would probably like to read a different POV.

Move confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Elloran Since: Dec, 1969
12/03/2012 00:00:00

My thoughts, just my thoughts. There were so many interesting characters in the series, and if it's not from their personal POV, I'd love to read stories about them.

JobanGrayskull Since: Dec, 2011
12/03/2012 00:00:00

Maybe Twilight is secretly a commentary on society. That we place emphasis on all the wrong things, and put hollow, shallow, or ultimately boring things at the center of our lives, and miss out on all the vibrant and interesting interactions that are happening around us.

Is that giving Meyer too much credit?

Starburstia Since: Apr, 2010
12/10/2012 00:00:00

That's too much credit. I don't think she was aiming for that at all.

I don't understand the hate this series gets, but admittedly it's a really underwhelming book. I'm not even sure how it rose from obscurity. Bored bored bored.

sacredcowtipper Since: Nov, 2014
11/14/2014 00:00:00

Fair enough, x SOULFIRE, fair enough. I usually feel the same way about every Designated Heroine whom we're supposed to like simply because she's an extrovert.

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