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Reviews VideoGame / Untitled Goose Game

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maninahat Grand Poobah Since: Apr, 2009
Grand Poobah
10/09/2019 09:06:33 •••

Worth a Gander

Looking at Untitled Goose Game in the context of decades of videogame convention, I have to say that of any title I've ever played, I've never enjoyed the act of fetching things more than I have as a nasty goose rampaging around a quaint English village. Goose Game hearkens back to the good old British videogames, like Jet Set Willy or Theme Hospital, where mundane ideas are explored with a kind of sadistic and malevolent glee.

Untitled Goose Game is a stealth/puzzle title, in which you play a rampant wild animal who (for reasons known to no-one) has a literal 'to do' list of tasks to complete. Every last one of these tasks serves to cause mischief and mayhem amongst the blameless locals. Whilst the village people could have kept the local pond a bit cleaner, none of them seem have done anything to deserve this. But its fine! Because you are, after all, a goose. And geese are assholes by God's design, and no one can honestly hold malice for them or expect them to behave otherwise. Decades ago my mum once punched a goose for attacking my baby brother, and everyone else probably has similar memories of geese being dickheads.

I'd been looking forward to Untitled Goose Game for years - more than any other game in that entire time - and I am pleased to say it is as much fun to plunder, bully, and HONK! the locals with impunity as I'd hoped. At times I've been finding the puzzle solving a bit frustrating: one task involve's stealing the gardener's hat, and if you ambush him whilst he's removed his hat to wipe his forehead, he'll drop it and offer you a quick chance to bundle it away. I wasted half an hour waiting for one such opportunity to come up again whilst he potters around the garden, only to eventually discover there is a far easier way to do it whilst he's later incapacitated. Many puzzles can be solved by watching people's routine or by carefully looking at the surroundings, but sometimes you can end up chasing red herrings like the one above. The controls can also be a bit clumsy too, and repeatedly fumbling a puzzle can get a bit irritating.

Besides these infrequent annoyances, I was very much charmed by Untitled Goose Game. Assuming you're not a clumsy idiot like me, you can expect to finish the game within a few hours, but they will be very good hours.

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