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Reviews Anime / Sonic X

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WC-83 Wikia Contributor 83 Since: Dec, 2014
Wikia Contributor 83
06/03/2015 21:29:07 •••

Sonic X Review (mostly S3)

This will be my first review and on something I liked as a kid. I will focus on S3, but the Shadow arc was good (though S1-2 are riff fodder in general). Season 3 is a rather great for what came before (and unorthodox for anything Sonic since Sat AM), taking the thing to space and a new, persistent character as well as a competent foe. I enjoy the effort to give a bit of drama (and hence, stakes) to the series after this long into it, although many stuck in their ways will still hate it for trying it, which due to some writing issues is understandable.

On the Sub vs. Dub debate, both have merits, with Dub being of decent (if slightly annoying at times) quality and narm charm. Sub, for me at least, was hit (voice quality ranging from "eh" to "astounding") or miss (music and sound not always matching up). Pour example, Black Narcissus went from being Cobra Commander's cousin to having a voice kissed by Satan during his stint in Eden, that of pure smooth oil. And it also allowed Molly's death scene too, and complete with muted noise and piano solo, something American children had to wait on until the very end.

With that done, the series went well. I don't know why, but Tails has always been a favorite, and seeing him get more importance and even a love interest is gratifying for fans and lava to the ears for frothing fanboys/girls. However Sonic himself gets the most development out of this season than any other previous one, finally paying attention to his f***ing girlfriend and even spelling out his philosophy in a way that gets some decent respect points for not being all that irresponsible after all.

And of course Cosmo's death scene (and she did die in the Dub, we got the picture, we weren't fooled) was a nice good emotional heart plucking (and not bad despite another review to the contrary that will not be named), giving a sort of star crossed closure to what ultimately could not stay canon while still having impact and a sadistic choice for Tails.

On a whole, the season was the best, as a person who grew up with 1-2 as a kid and only relatively recently saw 3. It gives teeth to the series that 1-2 lacked, even giving a few awesome moments to Eggman of all people. In short: dramatic, engaging, challenging (for the right ages), and worth at least something to look back as Sonic goes an...interesting direction.

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