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smashingmelons Since: Nov, 2010
21st Jun, 2011 11:44:13 AM

That sounds really familiar. Unfortunately, the only possibilities I can think of are both more recent (Tutenstein and Cyber Chase).

Otherwise known as [Smashing Melons 42].
SunBad Since: Sep, 2010
21st Jun, 2011 07:00:59 PM

Based purely on the final paragraph, I'm going with Flying Rhino Junior High. Specifically, episode 4 seems to jibe with the rest of your description, going by TOW's summary. You can watch it for free on Youtube if you happen to be in Scotland, or 2 bucks in the US (first 2 mins can be viewed free).

Edited by SunBad
ProgenyExMachina Since: Dec, 2009
25th Jun, 2011 03:36:04 PM

That's gotta be it, I've never heard of anything else like it and it fits the description perfectly IIRC. Thanks!

EDIT: Yeah, just watched it. Pity it's too obscure to find for free on some questionably legitimate site five pages into a Google search, but oh well. It''s really bad, but it's definitely the thing I remember seeing that one morning. Thanks again :P

Edited by ProgenyExMachina