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YMMV / The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)

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  • Funny Moments:
    • Dr Kendrick's deadpan reaction to Henry time-travelling: "holy shit".
    • Gomez and Henry have minutes left before Henry has to be downstairs for his wedding, when he time-travels. Gomez just looks at the pile of clothes and says "Oh shit". He then tries to delay Clare's sister at the door, before almost yelling in relief when he sees an older Henry climbing through the window.
  • Heartwarming Moments: After getting into a big fight with Henry, Clare drives off in the middle of the night to pick up a past version from him stuck in a freezing parking lot. Henry asks her how things are, and apologises for his future actions: "yeah, that guy can be a real jerk sometimes".
  • Squick: Clare and Henry's Time-Travel Romance involves a middle-aged Henry meeting his future wife as a child and befriending her. The book can kind of get away with a naked adult man talking to his future wife as a young girl, but when you actually have to see it, the ickiness is unavoidable.
