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YMMV / The Sarah Jane Adventures S2 E9-10 "The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith"

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  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • Rani's "Hello, yes, ethnic person in the fifties" bit becomes a lot less funny when the Doctor takes her non-white companions to 1950s Alabama in "Rosa" and their experience is played more seriously.
    • Sarah Jane's young parents discover the older woman they met is actually the adult version of their infant daughter, who they will not get to raise themselves. This happens in the Whoniverse again in "A Good Man Goes to War" three years later with Amy, Rory, and River Song, only from the parents' perspective. Rather than sacrificing themselves for their daughter, Amy and Rory are forcibly, painfully separated from her, only to discover after that they'd already met her adult self. Even worse, River watches her parents essentially go to their deaths a season later in "Angels Take Manhattan", just like Sarah Jane does here, though unlike the Smiths, the Ponds/Williams get to live a full life in the past.
