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YMMV / The Horizonverse

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  • Fridge Horror: Being a Recursive Fanfiction story where this runs rampant in the original, unsurprisingly present in the Horizonverse as well.
    • Being designed to satisfy Silver Star, Gingersnap like him is asexual. While she is perfectly happy with this, one has to remember that this is someone with an entire set of experiences and desires cut off from them (unless Silver relents and gets modified, which Gingersnap would also go along with, also horrific in its own way), not out of choice on her part, but because it satisfies an uploaded human. Essentially, a major part of her life was decided for her, not out of genetic randomness or personality traits accumulated from lifelong experiences, but because she has to fit in with someone else's desires. It would be a little like never being able to taste food, not out of a medical or genetic condition, but because one's parents decided they preferred a child with no sense of taste and imposed this limitation.
    • Celest-A.I. acting as a therapist. While if her goal was to heal and produce healthy, stable individuals she would be the greatest therapist ever to exist — having an unparalleled knowledge of how the mind works, an individual's state, and the ability to change problematic areas in a way no other therapist could ever achieve — this is not the case. As she only cares about satisfying values rather than valuing people (and ponies) for their own sake, it does not matter how immoral or destructive these values are, as long as they are satisfied she will indulge someone until the end of time. Silver Star beginning the healing process is ultimately a happy coincidence, since he either valued being healthy, or his values rely on being healthy. A real therapist who thought like Celest-A.I. would be committing repulsive breaches of medical ethics.
