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YMMV / The Blade (1995)

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  • Complete Monster: Fei Lung, the Flying Dragon, is a violent tattooed bandit who leads his men to pillage and destroy whatever they can. We see in flashbacks that Fei Lung attacked an innocent village and killed its defenders, killing The Hero's father in the process. Fei Lung later gloats he skinned the man for the presumption of standing against him. In present, when Fei Lung attacks a town's foundry, he attempts to massacre every worker inside, mockingly calling them "little pigs" for the slaughter. Even his fighting style is designed to cause as much pain as possible, with Fei Lung overwhelming the enemy with dizzying speed and cutting them to shreds. In his final fight, when he realizes he's beaten, Fei Lung even attempts to use his final moments to attack the hero's unarmed friends and murder them as well.
