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YMMV / Steel Reign

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  • Scrappy Weapon: The super weapon varies on each tank but is very powerful on all of them; except copperhead. His 'Super weapon' is a small speed boost. Considering most maps are small, super weapons are rare and it has little fuel, this a complete joke and doesn't help with the tank's speed in any way and was likely a balance choice. And no, ramming tanks wont do anything but make you an easier target.
  • That One Level: Fortified City, it's the longest mission by far filled with the toughest enemies all over the place with heavy hitting seeking missiles. One objective requires you to kill a convoy being defended by two tanks with rapid fire missile cannons. Even Copperhead can only take about 3 missiles before its shields deplete. And this objective has a timer to boot. All in all a player is bound to take a LOT of tries at this nightmare of a level.
