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YMMV / Star Trek Voyager S 2 E 21 "Deadlock"

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  • Ho Yay: The two Janeways stand face to face REALLY close together.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: When Kim dies without a scrap of fanfare, it's hard to take it seriously. The revelation of the alternate timeline seems almost like a given.
  • Spiritual Successor: The novel Echoes takes this episode (and TNG's "Parallels") and scales them up a tad. Specifically, Voyager finds a planet that just activated a new teleportation system, but it has a glitch. Every few hours, everyone on the planet gets shunted to the planet in the next universe over. Except at one point, the planet was hit by a meteor and destroyed, so there's a "gap" in the "line" of planets. When that universe's Voyager arrives, the transport has been sending an entire planet's population to empty space for over ninety cycles. And then the next set appears. Hilarity absolutely does not ensue. Voyagers - all of them - have to figure out how to fix the problem. Which involves sacrificing themselves to keep it from ever happening in the first place. Only every other universe has a Voyager, because of this episode. Janeway thinks that in half the universes, she was the Janeway who happened to self-destruct first. note 
  • Squick: "The baby has shifted position, and its exocranial ridges have lodged in the uterine wall." As in, those Ktarian forehead spikes? Owwwwwiiiie.
