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YMMV / Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 03 E 12 Past Tense Part II

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: A couple of major review channels have observed that Vin might not be a complete Jerkass, but a Knight in Sour Armor who has long since given up - exemplifying what Sisko said last episode that people in this time haven't totally forgotten how to care, they've just given up in the face of insurmountable problems. A key point is when Sisko angrily asks Vin why he doesn't show any empathy to the people imprisoned in the Sanctuary District, and Vin grimly points out that even if he did, it wouldn't change a damn thing to help these people. He's long since gone numb to the suffering around him because he's powerless to stop it.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: B.C. is an intentionally unsympathetic jackass, but when he points out that society is making bad apples out of otherwise good people, he couldn't be more right.
