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YMMV / Ragna Crimson

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  • Ass Pull: Starlia surviving, albeit in a coma, at the end of the Winged Bloodline Arc is seen as this by some fans.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Most of the Superior Dragons in general get this treatment but it's especially present with Artemesia and Woltekamui.
  • Memetic Loser: Nebulim has been a laughing stock among parts of the fandom due to a multitude of reasons. Ranging from his obvious unrequited love for Artemesia to being dispatched effortlessly by Evil Slime TWICE.
  • The Woobie: Ragna's whole life was filled with misfortune, always losing everything he loved to the point of believing himself to be cursed. The only solace he ever received being his meeting with Leo and he almost ends up losing her as well. He ends up striking a deal with a future version of himself to save her and in the end having to cut his ties with the Leo to protect her from harm.
