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YMMV / Outcasting English

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  • Jerkass Woobie: The voice in Pip’s head is incredibly cruel to him, even cajoling him into self harm at times, amongst other self destructive behaviors. It’s hard not to feel some sympathy for it, though, as it had suffered beatings and bullying for years, so that Pip could dissociate when it was happening.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Pip is tormented by a voice inside of his head that encourages him to cut himself.
    • Everything about Kenny, particularly if you've ever been a victim of rape and/or stalking.
    • At one point, Pip has a nightmare about Kenny attempting to sexually assault him, only to be stopped by Damien, who appears as a demonic beast and devours Kenny before attempting to eat Pip's soul.
  • The Woobie: Dear God, Phillip Pirrup.
