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YMMV / Last Dream

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  • Goddamned Bats: Small Lizards in the early game become annoying very quickly, as they often have a massive agility advantage over the player party and attack first, and often in groups. It's not uncommon to see them wipe out at least one party member in their opening salvo if the player isn't prepared. Worse yet, they aren't the only random foes with unrealistically high PRE stats.
  • Player Punch:
    • Did you forgoe an engineer in the team selection screen in order to make room for different classes? Congratulations, you just doomed Rubicon!
    • Later, when infiltrating Pandora, you can free all but two prisoners, who have gone insane from the torture. Worse yet, if you go to Oakwood and talk the daughter of one of the doomed prisoners, you end up lying to her and claiming that you coldly abandoned him rather than telling her the full and awful truth.
    • The unavoidable boss battle with Helios. Despite the Hermit warning you that Elven power is too dangerous, the King sends you to the Forest Tower to acquire Helios' magic pendant — which Helios would rather die than part with. Since you've experienced several flashbacks by now seeing the lengths Helios went to to hide the Ultima Crystals and the Airship, as well as a front row seat for his grief at being Last of His Kind, this can come as a serious What the Hell, Hero? moment.
