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YMMV / Jojostuck

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Defied. Despite some characters having wildly different roles in this comic (i.e. the friendly and cheerful Jade as the main villain), they are still shown to portray the same personalities as they did in Homestuck proper.
  • Crack Ship: Jade gets her mack on with Roxy, of all people. Then again, it makes more sense in this scenario, considering the new character roles.
  • Fandom Nod: Rose's long-lost father is implied to be Spades Slick (don't ask, because we don't know). Considering the fact that Ms. Paint is her mother, this was likely intentionally done to give a shout out to the popular Spades Slick X Ms. Paint ship from Homestuck.
  • Trolling Creator: The camera is too close to the characters to properly establish the setting, so a command is given to zoom out. Naturally, we get a view of the entire goddamned planet.
    Command: I didn't mean that far.
    The camera zooms even further.
    Command: Okay fine, stay zoomed out. See if I care.
    Command: Douchebag.
