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YMMV / Joffrey from Game of Thrones Is Replaced with Octavian from Rome

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  • Angst? What Angst?: Octavian suddenly finds himself in another person's body in an entirely different reality; everything he knows is gone and as far as he can see, there's no going back to Rome. Most people would have a nervous breakdown in this situation. Octavian? He just shrugs and says "Well, guess I'll just have to work my plans to become emperor here then."
  • Fridge Horror: If Octavian is in Westeros, what could Joffrey be doing in Rome? The best option is "dying fast."
  • The Woobie: Lancel has really been put through the ringer here. When he served as Robert's squire (read: wine-bringer), he was subjected to constant verbal abuse from the king, who made it quite clear that he despised everything about Lancel. When Robert is poisoned by some unknown assassin, he gets arrested and thrown into the Black Cells, where he stays for several months, with only Tyrion coming to visit him. And finally, Tywin comes down to see him and informs the poor guy that his future now has one of two paths for him: the executioner's block, or the Night's Watch. It's hard not to feel bad for Lancel.
  • Values Resonance: When Octavian calls for a Great Council, the Iron Islands are extremely supportive, comparing the venture to their ancestral tradition of Kingsmoot. Balon Greyjoy even threatens to go to war with anyone refusing to honor the final decision.
