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YMMV / Hunter × Hunter – Greed Island Arc

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  • Magnificent Bastard: Razor is one of the developers of Greed Island and a friend of Ging Freecs. Recruited by Ging after being saved from death row, Razor was tasked with giving his son Gon the fight of his life. He does this via a deadly game of dodgeball, where his throws are strong enough to kill his opponents. Razor demonstrates a keen intellect by being able to adapt to the other team's strategies and mindsets after understanding how they work. Towards the end of the match, Razor bumps Gon's final attack back at him, having learned that he wouldn't want to dodge since that's not how he wants to win. When Razor loses anyway, he takes his defeat in stride, even telling Gon about how he met Ging, respecting the heroes for their victory over him.
