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YMMV / Go to Sleep (A Jeff the Killer Rewrite)

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  • Tear Jerker: Ben tragically drowns during a summer camping trip. Jeff was too late to see what happened, only the crowds before Ben's soaking, unresponsive body.
    • Jeff screams at the sight. Tears well in his eyes as he fights his way to Ben's side. He holds his hand, panickingly yelling for "Benny" to Please Wake Up, as a young adult's resuscitation procedures don't work at getting Ben to respond. Jeff's tears begin to pour as he assumes the worst.
    • A sliver of hope approaches as Ben gives Jeff's hand a slight squeeze. The latter starts feeling hopeful... only for those hopes to be "thrown in a raging inferno" as Jeff feels Ben's hand goes limp. Jeff knew at that point that his friend had died, and he feels his world collapse, his emotions a boiling mixture of anger and heartbreak that he can't hear himself sob over his light-headedness.
    • Even when the paramedics arrive, the camp leaders still struggle to calm Jeff down. He clings to Ben's limp body, only reluctantly letting him go with persuasion from the paramedics. In the illustration for this scene, Jeff is depicted to be propping up Ben's lifeless body in one last hug.
    • As far as Ben's parents are concerned, all that's known is that they were nervous to allow Ben on the trip at all since he can't swim, and needed reassurance that their son would be safe. One can only imagine their grief at the news of Ben drowning.
