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YMMV / Fists of the White Lotus

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  • Complete Monster: The White Lotus Chief is the head of the White Lotus Cult, a fanatical and criminal organization that he uses to enact his evil crimes. Opening the film by having a group of ex-convicts massacred before doing the same to an entire temple of people, the White Lotus Chief reveals that both were in an attempt to kill just two siblings so as to restore his honor after said brothers killed one of his old classmates. After successfully killing one of his targets, the White Lotus Chief orders all of his enemies across the land to be killed, notably leading to a charity event's defenseless patrons being slaughtered while they are trying to rebuild a temple. The White Lotus Chief shows no remorse for his own soldiers when he accidentally kills them during battle, and takes sick enjoyment from drawing out the deaths of his opponents by hitting them in their pressure points, then "letting" them flee, only for them to drop dead soon after.
  • Questionable Casting: While Gordon Liu and Kara Wai had starred together in numerous films, this one had the distinction of Kara being Gordon's older sister. It doesn't look convincing at all.
