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YMMV / Digimon Frontier Movie "Island of Lost Digimon"

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  • Magnificent Bastard: Murmukusmon is main antagonist of the movie. Arriving to the Island of Lost Digimon long ago, Murmukusmon obscured an ancient tablet about Ornismon to trick the populace into revering the monster as a benevolent legend. Posing as d'Arcmon and Hippogriffomon, leaders of the Human and Beast Digimon respectively, he strokes constant civil war through powerful rhetoric, convincingly feigned emotion, and appeal to their pain, causing many allies from all sides to revert into Digi-Eggs, and thus excess Digi Code, when defeated. By the time the DigiDestined discover his ruse, Murmukusmon acquires all the code he needed, reveals his deception and the true history, and initiates Ornsimon's revival. Cold and calculating, Murmukusmon played everyone for fools and schemed to conquer the Digital World with his new living superweapon.

Alternative Title(s): Digimon Frontier Movie Revival Of The Ancient Digimon
