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YMMV / Combat (Atari 2600)

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Combat (the Atari 2600 video game)

  • Good Bad Bugs: The Tank games could behave very strangely depending on what the tanks were doing:
    • If the tanks were positioned one directly behind the other and both tried to move forward, they may end up spinning around rapidly.
    • If one tank scores a kill on the opponent while moving forwards towards the wall at the edge of the playfield, once it bumps the said wall it may (in normal Tank) warp around to the other side and stop (or just bump the wall and stop), or (in Tank Pong) start sliding rapidly along the wall and warping around until the next round starts (and if the "killed" tank was in the way, it may take it along for the ride).

Combat! (The TV show)

See Combat! (1962).

Combat (the 2001 Windows PC game)

  • So Okay, It's Average: Reviews of the game were middling at best. Its MobyGames entry ranks it at a 5.8/10 in the lowest eighth of the over-24,000 Windows PC games in its database. A PC Gamer review slammed it as a "slippery $19.99 take on Twisted Metal", an IGN review said it had "no nostalgic value," and the AllGame Guide gave it a 2/5. The Russian magazine Absolute Games lambasted the game with a 15/100, translated roughly as:
    "I got the impression that the developers were literally forced to make this unfortunate modern perversion. Everything was so forced, uninteresting, clumsy and primitive. The process of learning the game is perhaps equivalent to the torment the guys from Magic Lantern experienced when creating it."
