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YMMV / Angel S 04 E 15 Orpheus

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  • Les Yay: Fred and Willow has spawned a slew of femslash from a few minutes of shared screen time. ("I'm seeing someone"). Hilariously, Wesley looked kind of freaked when they met. With his onscreen Love Interest and off screen fiancee instantly getting on so well and having so much chemistry, no wonder.
  • Take That, Scrappy!: Many fans felt extreme Catharsis Factor from seeing Faith pummel Connor. It also helps that Connor had been even more annoying than usual in the episodes leading up to this, by continuously insisting that the group has to kill Angel, even though they all knew that there were other options, including ones that had successfully worked in this same situation in the past. Connor was blatantly just looking for an excuse to jump on the opportunity to kill his dad, and then Evil!Cordelia blatantly told him to do it. His Kick the Dog moment to Gunn on the way there by punching him in the face unprovoked certainly didn't help. Faith finally putting this total Wangsty teen in his place earned her a lot of love from the fanbase, plus some In-Universe praise from Gunn.
