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Western Animation / Ferdy the Ant

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Ferdy the Ant (also simply referred to as Ferdy and Ferda) is a 1984 German-British children's animated television series based on the Ferda Mravenec series of picture books by Czech author Ondřej Sekora.

The animation was handled by Far Eastern Productions.

Plot: The series revolves around a little ant boy named Ferdy who embarks on a variety of adventures in the Käfertal insect society with his insect friends.

"Ferdy the Ant'' contains examples of:

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Zigzagging. The insects in this series can range from being fully clothed to wearing no clothing at all.
  • Amicable Ants: Ferdy is an ant who is kind to practically everyone he meets and always goes out of his way to help them when they have problems or need help with something.
  • Animals Not to Scale: In comparison with one another, but particularly with the ants, which appear much larger than they should next to all the other insects.
