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WMG / Vazelina Bilopphøggers

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In "Sven Torsell", the wreckers weren't actually possessed

They just got drunk and groped (or tried to grope) some women, and later claimed they were possessed by Sven Torsell in an attempt to get away with it. Let's look at what happened during their supposed possession:

  • Their hands sought glasses of booze. This doesn't prove anything because these guys love booze under normal circumstances.
  • Høgger'n started speaking gibberish, which is something that can happen when one is drunk.
  • They played an amazing melody, which isn't that strange — it's not like the wreckers are unskilled at music. Alternatively, they vastly overestimated how well they played because they were drunk. They noted that the older audience members recognized it as Sven Torsell's music, but that doesn't mean they played it well — just that they didn't butcher it badly enough to make it unrecognizable.
  • Their hands sought "women's underwear and other women's pomp". This is the kind of sleazy behaviour it makes sense to try to blame on something else.
