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WMG / The Sun Vanished

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The Liberation of Night has broken out in this corner of the universe.

Silly theory, but one never knows just what was out there, being kept at bay by the Sun in the dark corners outside. Now that the lights are out, there are no rules and the dark-dwelling things can finally check out Earth.

The sun isn't gone, merely blocked out.

It would also explain why all other celestial bodies have vanished too, as unless there's a few million aliens all coordinated to strike at once, the stars could not all vanish at once. Perhaps Earth is enclosed by some massive mothership, which is blocking the light. We know the sun still exists, even if it cannot be seen. The protagonist notes it is much colder than before it disappeared, but the sun actually vanishing would cause a sudden large cold spike that would freeze all life on Earth, not just the temperature dropping a few dozen degrees.
