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Nightmare Fuel / The Sun Vanished

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    In General 
  • The very concept of the story. Imagine waking up one morning to find the sun just gone. Imagine then being hunted by things that absolutely refuse to leave you alone. Imagine your friends being corrupted by these things, eliminating any chance of trust.
  • The Lights. Strange, glowing orbs of red light that fly around, making strange and unsettling noises all the while. Staring into them for too long causes you to undergo Sanity Slippage, mentally deteriorating and losing your memories, before finally going completely mad. Everyone infected slowly becomes a complete Empty Shell, hunting down survivors while screaming about the sun being back.
  • Later on, TSV finally manages to get a picture of one of the things that fly around the sky randomly. This should give us some answers, except... what is that thing? (brightened)
    • For those who can't view the image: It's a giant diamond object, hovering in the sky. It looks like some kind of spaceship.
    • We later find out more about these things. Wherever they go, they cause the temperature to raise dramatically (10-15 degrees each time), creating intense heat waves. In addition, they have a strange blue headlight, which causes incredibly loud static noises whenever they activate (this is the sound). While the effects of the blue light aren't known, it's implied to be horrific and gory by someone who's seen it.

    @TheSunVanished (TSV) 
  • Early in the story, TSV locks up his house while still hoping that this will blow over. Then, later on, he checks the door and finds it unlocked and wide-open. The door isn't even damaged; they somehow opened it from the outside. Nothing can protect you.
  • Later on, TSV finds some research notes from someone who tried to study the Lights. The first few experiments go fairly well, giving us some insight into how the Lights operate. Then, the researcher accidentally looks into one of them, and this is all he writes.
  • Danyon seems trustworthy and sane enough. But as the tweets go on, he encounters several occurrences along the way and these end up happening. Imagine having a friend you trust only to find out they've become just as unhinged as everything else.
  • One of the people TSV speaks with is a poster from British Columbia. They're very helpful, explaining why you shouldn't look into the red lights, but then they stop communicating. Eventually, without context, they send the protagonist this. (brightened) They immediately stop talking to the protagonist after this. This was the last message sent to him.
  • A red-light brainwashed woman breaks into TSV's house, leading to a very tense series of tweets from his point of view as he hides under the furniture while she walks around in search of him. If not for Danyon's Big Damn Heroes moment, TSV would have been in serious trouble.
  • TSV and Danyon are forced to camp out in a tent in the middle of nowhere; Danyon leaves and doesn't come back. While waiting for Danyon to return, he hears ''something’’ circling the tent...
    • He follows "it" into the field and finds this (brightened). For scale, the vegetation around it is seven feet tall.
  • After being separated from Danyon, TSV is forced to wander alone, eventually being forced to drink from a lake. He finds out too late that the invaders have done something to the water source. According to Tucker, it acts like mercury poisoning, damaging both the mind and body. The poison slowly turns the veins in his arm dark black, while inducing Sanity Slippage in him as well. His already-intense paranoia eventually gives way to a full-on mental breakdown, screaming and rambling about Danyon being in the room with him while posting pictures showing he's alone. Then his hallucination disappears, and he begs and pleads for Danyon to come back.
  • TSV checks his phone, finding an album he didn't create, simply called "Remember", containing random, context-less images of various random things. According to his phone, these images are four years old, but he's just now seeing them. New images randomly appear as the story goes along.

    @thmadjoy (Tucker) 

    @LostSunNews (Nat) 

"...the sun is back...the sun is back...the sun IS BACK"
