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WMG / Sundy Stairway

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Sundy Stairway takes place in Peru.

Some of the available food items actually exist in real life, and are popular in Peru—mazzamora morada, which players would remember changes your Attack Color to purple, is a distinctly Peruvian dish, picarones was invented and is still consumed in Peru, and empanadas are a staple dish in the country.

About the weird naming conventions….

It appears that every resident of Calendar Town has two names: a name they are given at birth and a name associated with the calendar (which I will call a “calendar name” for the sake of convenience). It could be that the majority of the people living there are part of some sort of ethnic group that practices this type of naming convention, which would explain why June, Sunday’s friend, apparently has a calendar name even though she doesn’t live in the town. For the people that aren’t part of this ethnic group, they most likely gain a calendar name from people who are. Calendar names most likely aren’t present in any legal documentation, just like similar names in Real Life that follow these types of conventions, but they are commonly used in lieu of an actual name.

People can choose to use a calendar name for a variety of reasons, including just following tradition, distancing themselves from their past, or because they have a romantic partner who also uses a calendar name.

Vela is self-aware.

She teaches Sunday about Power Points, the Calm Bar, and the HP bar, which are things that Sunday himself (normally) would have no use knowing about. The only person who this piece of advice could have possibly been directed to is the player, implying that Vela may know that she’s in a game—which isn’t far off given the amount of awareness she already has—and is trying to guide the player into giving Sunday the proper endings.
