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WMG / My House

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The level is Adventures In Coma Land for the Doom Slayer with Breaking the Fourth Wall incidents.
The Doomguy travels to the past while his is unconscious and experiences someone's life struggles and the urban legends and stories that they were familiar with, such as The Backrooms and House of Leaves.
  • The trips to the Underhalls might represent Doomguy revisiting a moment from Doom II, the dream looping back to the start and Doomguy trying to find his way to the best ending. Due to dreamworld logic, Doomguy even gets to repeat the loop to stockpile supplies if he so desires.
  • Perhaps The Burning House branch of the story also represents the events of Doom 64 with its nightmarish shift. This branch mandates a trip through the Underhalls too, possibly as a way for Doomguy to sort out his own trauma.
