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WMG / Faith Testers

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For all the Conspiracy Theories about the Tower, Lusis and Matius Master that testers can think of.
And all those weird ideas that could explain the world but haven't been proven yet.

  • The dreaded yet as of now unknown Yulta is really just a fully grown Alusso... that's bigger then the entire cast standing on top of each other. (60 or so feet.)

  • The Tower itself is a giant spaceship that would originally function through the combined use of all the different kinds of drives in unison. flare drives would work as propulsion and heating, bind drives provide food and repairs and life support, guard drives are temporary hulls and supports so if something gets damaged not everything breaks before a bind drive comes to fix it, jump drives allow for escape velocity and maybe even close to light speed travel, seer bots work outside the ship and in sections to dangerous to travel through, and player drives well im not really sure what their supposed to do so I cant say.
