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DanAndPhilCRAFTS is an alternate universe/hell dimension version of DanAndPhilGAMES and really does upload videos twice a day

Unfortunately we can't see them except for one video every April the 1st. This is due to a glitch in our danandphilgames universe and the danandphilcrafts universe, which is disguised as an April fool's day prank.

Dab and Evan will end up together.
Perhaps once Dan and Phil finally focus on them and they get older, a relationship will occur. Or perhaps not. It's up to the players and the programming.
  • It's been several episodes coming, but as of 54, the two are officially boyfriends.

Dil's death will feature in an episode and will be a very traumatic and/or sad moment for the series.
If not by lethal accident, Dil will eventually become old and die naturally. Since Dab is there, Dan and Phil will have a reason to keep playing, for his future.

What? It could happen.
  • Confirmed.

Dalien will become an astronaut and explore space for himself.
At some point, Dalien's bound to notice, that he's extraterrestrial and different from the rest of Willow Creek. He might want to go and find his own species.
