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Troperwall / Paradoxial Stratagem

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After having been a member of the troper community for some time, I figured why not start an experimental Troper Wall? After all someone MIGHT post here right? Eh, I expect this page to be barren and nearly blank for quite some span of time...but I could be proven wrong. All the more reason why I should experiment right? Go ahead, post something as long as it's not offensive or incoherent garbage.

My main page

Vandalism/posts/augmentations/whatever go here underneath here:

  • I see you got it to work. Hello. - Bacon Maniac 5000
  • Yeaaaaahhh, it's a party in the CIA~ -Daft
  • So, where do you want your new graffiti? -Space Wolf
  • Hope we keep you for the entire RP, Paradoxial. - The Feraligatr King
  • Wow, we're friends now! That's awesome! :D - Syrika
