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Tropers / Vini 310

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Welcome to my page, I'm Vini310 (yes, it's one word, not "Vini 310"), a fanfiction writer, game developer and man of culture, but for now, I won't create pages for my works on TV Tropes, and neither should you, it's not the time for this.

I access TV Tropes on a daily basis, and wanted to create an account on the site, which I actually did on January 2018, but just NOW, almost two years later, I'm indeed using it. I hope I can help TV Tropes to grow even more!

And in case you couldn't get, yes, I'm a Hentai writer, and I plan to make Hentai animations and games as well. They may have controversial themes, so proceed with caution.

See you on The Legend of Vinicius RPG.

Trope Xros
