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Tropers / The Lukeinator

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I am. . . THE LUKEINATOR! What does a Lukeinator do, you might ask. Well, I inate Lukes. Whatever the hell that means.

All right, we're being serious now. I am thirteen years old, soon to be fourteen (as of September 2012.) I also happen to be Canadian eh? It's nice here in Canada Eh I drive a dog sled to Jr. High School every day eh? Aboot time we got some cars up here, but it's useless because our roads keep freezing over.


That dissolved into silliness quite fast. I guess I'm just a quirky fellow. A quirky metalhead fellow. Have a list of my favorite metal bands!

Iron Maiden Metallica Sentenced Rammstein Blind Guardian Judas Priest Kamelot Dragonforce (Don't laugh) Bloodbound Amon Amarth System Of A Down
