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Tropers / Poke Nerd

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''If, at any time during 'Stars and Stripes', one of the flutes or piccolos keel over while playing...just leave us there and drag us off afterwards.
—Poke Nerd

Where to start? Um, I'm Poke Nerd, I'm the author of Heartof Gold. I'm also a writer of sorts, and I'm writing fiction. I can't really remember how I came upon this site... Seriously, I can't remember. I guess I just didn't pay attention. Um, anyway, I'm a nerd, in every sense of the word.

I'm not a Grammar Nazi, but I'm rather brutally honest. I don't really mean any harm by this....if I really was mad at you, you'd know. I enjoy anime, anime conventions and manga, but I'm in no way a weaboo. I also enjoy video games. My weakness is sweets, spicy food, and pasta. I'm also doing a text-based MST of My Inner Life, featuring my own characters and my snarky humor.

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