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"probably one of the most irritating people you'll ever meet"
Eisner themselves, describing what will probably be your opinion of them.

ok that's enough editing this page seriously

hello! i'm Eisner, i'm a person.

probably one of the most irritating people you'll ever meet—hold on, didn't i say this already?

you'll probably see me around the forums every now and then, but i'm mostly on twitter and stuff, follow me there if you feel like it

i have this strange thing where i hyperfixate on something different every like 5-6 months, but some things i like stay for a while, said things are Scott The Woz, both Octopath games, and Splatoon, which is actually my current hyperfixation, but i've been interested in it since like 2019, it's probably not leaving anytime soon

those are just to name a few though! i love the Persona series, most Nintendo (i really forgot to link this correctly the first time huh) games, and a loooot of web video, like oh my god i've consumed so much content on the internet

i don't think i really have much else to say, so uh bye???

see you on the forums i guess?????

i'll add an image later or something
