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Troper Wall / Starlight Girl 30

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Since you don't have a troper wall to vandalize, I'll make one myself! - Cardboard Bot

O-Oh, thanks…! - Starlight Girl 30

Um… Anyways, if anyone wants to mess around here, sure…

    Vandalism and awaiting chaos~ 

    Tropes you think apply to me 
  • Beware the Nice Ones: You look like a sweet girl that can understand the most hardships that real life has, but if someone makes you angry, you could start a fight. The fact you wanna go to the gym (wanna get a six pack?) gives me a clue. - Braylovsky
    • Why is this so accurate? In fact, my main reason to go to a gym is to be strong enough to protect my loved ones, so, you're right on the money! ~ Starlight Girl 30

Eternal depressed vibing hours~
