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  • Creator Breakdown: Spike made two videos on his personal channel: My Every Day and A Train Ride. that is a massive departure from his usual non-sensical humorous videos. It's heartwarming to see some of the youtube comments reach out and understand the subtext. Here's a comment Spike made addressing another's person about having lows in life.
    Spike: You've surprised me man, thanks. Understanding a video and getting that, that's a story, art. I wish I could do a better job at these things... Since I got on Youtube, all I wanted to do was let people feel emotions with what they see, make a wordless story that someone or somebody can relate to. I've had countless comments over time, "I've been feeling down this brought me up" or others similar and yes, it does hit home. We all have problems, we all have issues, most issues come from not understanding someone's words/context. Art, brings forth emotions and feelings, it's a wordless speech to me, so, thank you for being able to hear it. Thanks for looking into, and saying something thoughtful. I appreciate it buddy. To me, nothing else in life matters but our ability to feel, that's something no one can take from us if we don't let them. Love the people around you cause they will be gone, enjoy every second and make it your own.
