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Trivia / Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds

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  • Bad Export for You: Ironically, The original Japanese and Korean; and Chinese Speaking Far East Asian servers are considered to be better than the global version of the game because they will not have the NFT and blockchain integration that the rest of the world will have to put up with. And because NFT isn't a thing, Asterite and Territe aren't a thing on those servers either, meaning your ability to upgrade your weapons is tied to your gold or diamonds alone, greatly slimlining and speeding up the upgrading processes.
  • Inconsistent Dub: They managed to get Leander's name in the English dub of the global version completely mixed up. While the captions correctly read "Leander", the name mentioned by the voice clips was "Cecilius", Leander's Japanese name. Made even worse in that one or two of the clips actually mentioned "Leander" as it should.
  • Late Export for You: The MMORPG was released in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, in June 2021. It only finally opened up for rest-of-world pre-registration on April 29th, 2022, ten months after the Far East Asia release, with a hard launch date scheduled for May 25th, 2022. This also applies for subsequent new content, which can take a whole year to appear on the Global servers after they've launched in the Japanese/Korean and Chinese servers.
  • Region Coding: The MMORPG is segregated into two regions: the Chinese Speaking server for Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong, and the Japanese server for both South Korea and Japan. When the game finally launched globally in 2022, players found that they're segregated into yet another 6 regions: Europe, North America, South America, Rest of Asia, Oceania and Middle-East, making the total amount of regions 8.
  • Western Zodiac: At launch, each region has 24 servers, of which each pair are named after the western zodiac paired with an element/precious jewel.
  • Working Title: The PC port of the MMO client has the codename of Project N.
