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Trivia / Little Johnny Jet

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  • The score for this cartoon was featured on the audio CD "Tom & Jerry & Tex Avery Too!".

  • Though intended strictly as a spoof of circa-1952 domesticity, the cartoon's theme of a B-29 competing against Mach 1-capable jets reflected a building debate within the US Air Force then and later over the utility of piston-engined aircraft in the age of jets. In real life a B-29 that tries to reenlist in the Air Force would not have been rejected; the Air Force assigned B-29s and similar piston-engined aircraft to missions such as tactical and counterinsurgency bombing, photo-reconnaissance, and search-and-rescue; indeed, the B-29, and its derivative the B-50, actually enjoyed a long career well into the 60's before they were finally retired due to running out of spare parts.
